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1st:--->Your card cannot be rated because of incorrect grammar:(+there is no the ending of a sentence and all else like capitalizing and the wrong terms are included as well as spelling mistakes and your card has no determined effect,I suppose.)

2nd--->Your pic is not the best.

3rd:---->Your first 8 words are useless because the card icon indicates that this is not a Normal Trap Card.

4th_---->(As I can see from your effect,you do not have a proper wording nor spelling,so,I'll correct your grammar in by writing your effect anew)(with a little tweak):

--------->"This card can only be activated by Tributing 1 face-up monster you control(or pay some Life Points,I do not know excatly).When your opponent declares an attack,select 1 Attack Position monster on your opponent's side of the field,other than attacking monster,that has the highest ATK and take control of it until the end of a Battle Phase.If your opponent's attacking monster has ATK of 1900 or more while it attacks a monster you control,your opponent's monster is destroyed at the end of a Damage Step."


Thank you for reading!


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