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YCM 1 On 1 Champships - No more entries! - Qualifiers, sign-up for Interzonal Round!

Dark Mousy

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here is my card. enjoy it:)


[spoiler=effect]This card is also treated as a Pyro-Type monster while is on the field. When this card is Summoned, add 1 Equip Spell Card from your Graveyard to your hand. Once per turn, you can discard 1 Equip Spell Card from your hand and roll a die. Destroy 1 face-up monster on the field with the same Level of the result of the die and inflict 700 damage to both player’s. Each time that this card destroys an opponent monster by battle, return 1 Equip Spell Card from your Graveyard to your hand. When this card would be destroyed by battle, discard 1 Equip Spell Card instead.


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here is mine.


[spoiler=my card]


When this card is Special summoned from your hand, you can draw 1 card. When "Mario, Protector of Skies" is destroyed by battle, you may Special summon 1 monster with "Angel" in its name from your hand. When "Mario, Protector of Skies" is destroyed by a card's effect, remove it from play.


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Did someone ask for a thief of the night? I've got him right here. Behold!

[spoiler=Phantom Thief Hatsukanezumi]


Effect: When this card is Summoned put 1 counter on it. Each time a Spell, Trap, or Effect Monsters effect is activated, put 1 counter on this card. This card gains 300 ATK and DEF for each counter on it. During any of your or your opponents Main Phases, you can remove 1 counter from this card to destroy a Spell or Trap card, or remove 2 counters from this card to destroy a monster on your opponents side of the field.



Hatuskanezumi is Japanese for Mouse. not terribly original, I know, but it adds interest to the card. :mrgreen:

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[spoiler=my card]


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Legends Fusion".This card can not be destroyed in battle.Once per turn you can remove 1 "Ash, the Chosen One " from you Graveyard or field to return 1 card with "Legendary Pokemon" in it name.If this card is destroyed send 1 ritual spell and 1 "Legendary Pokemon-Zabdos, Articuno and Moltres" from you Deck to your hand.If this card is used to Ritual Summon "Legendary Pokemon-Lugia" after all these effect have been activated Special Summon 1 "Legendary Pokemon-Zabdos","Legendary Pokemon-Articuno" or "Legendary Pokemon-Moltres".



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This is what I saw. I'm not sure about the people at MCM.


When this card is Summoned, place (not sure)1 counter(What counter? A spell counter?) on it. Each time a Spell, Trap, or Effect Monsters effect is activated, put (again place I believe is correct) 1 counter on this card. This card gains 300 ATK and DEF for each counter on it. During any of your or your opponent's Main Phases, you can remove 1 counter from this card to destroy a Spell or Trap card, or remove 2 counters from this card to destroy a monster on your opponents side of the field.

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Once per turn, by Tributing 1 face-up Level 5 or higher FIRE monster, you can destroy 2 cards your opponent controls. This card cannot declare an attack during the turn you use this effect. If this card battles a Plant-Type monster, destroy that monster without applying damage calculation. If this card destroys a Plant-Type monster, it gains 200 ATK.


I personally don't know how good this is. I decided to do Mukuro Rokudo from Hitman Reborn.

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not sure narasa omega (no, i cannot do teh symbol as i do not have the number pad for it and the keys above the letters on the keyboard does not use that function).

mindscsatter, think of it this way. if this isn't actually the zonals, then that would make this the pre-zonals. in other words, they are the preliminary round to the zonals. does that help?

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