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Starr looked around and saw some fragmented pieces of glass. Good, she thought. I could make that into a weapon. She gathered them up in a handful, getting a couple of scratches and nicks, and then picked out the biggest and sharpest pieces. She found a stick and used a piece of long bark to tie the fragments of glass to it. Now if any non-robotic itex scientists came at her, she had something better to use than hand to hand combat. She furtively cast a glance at the sky again, hoping to see a fleeting glance of a wing tip or of Dante.

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Luxe laughed under his breath a little as Starr tried her hand at making some weapons for defense. He had decided against such a thing, prefering to use his own body as a weapoon. Between his wings and fists and legs, he was fairly confident. In the meantime while they waited for a sign of Dante, Luxe had decided to rest on his back, looking directly up at the sky, when he saw a shape come right in front of the sun. And stretch like a person.

"Hey, Starr!" Luxe said, sitting up and looking at Starr, "There's someone up there! It's definitly a birdkid, but I can't tell if it's Dante or not..." he said, pointing up at where Areos was.

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"Oh! Maybe it's Dante!" exclaimed Starr hopefully. She looked up but saw not Dante, but an unfamiliar birdkid flying above them. "Hey...wait a minute, that's not Dante. Who is that?" She observed him for a moment; he seemed to be flying around looking for someone, or something, and then laid eyes on them. Then he began spiraling downwards towards them. "Whoever that is, I hope he's not with itex," said Starr.

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When he went down to the ground, Areos greeted the others. "Hello. My name is Areos. I had just escaped about 10 minutes ago. I come in peace, and for assisstance to all of you!" He looked at Starr, with a strange look. "You look vaguely familiar. But because most of my memories are still faded, I can't think straight. Have we met?"

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Starr wracked her brains. She too felt something familiar about him, she just couldn't place it. She could remember all of the agonizing tests that the itex scientists had given her, she just could not remember anything about her personal life. She decided to greet him anyways.

"Hi, I'm Starr, and this is Luxe. We just escaped as well, and we're looking for someone missing," Starr said warmly and smiled, stretching her long black wings out behind her. "You haven't happened to see another male birdkid on the loose, have you?"

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