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Warriors of Coronia (Advanced/Not started/Accepting/pg16[Mild swearing])

Bleeding Tears

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Scince I've kind'a stoped liking devil may cry, I decided to make this.

[spoiler=plot]You are a warrior in training in an amazing land, but just then there is an exploion of dark-magic energy. The ppwerful eruption opens a portal which the whole town is drawn into. On the other side of the portal is the world of Coronia, where dark creatures rule and all good has been eliminated. You decide to step up and defeat the evil monsters known as Infected, or you could betray your people and join them. But the ultimate power surfaces, The Gods, they seek the end of the war.




Appearence(God must have some sort of wings):

Magic powers:

Good, Evil Or god:




Name: Ryker Keylen

Appearence: -anime-guy.jpg

Magic powers: Dark flash(a blast of dark energy)

Night Slash(Swing of sword that cuts through his

opponents soul but doesn't kill them)

Shadow Surge(A blast of pure dark energy that is

extremly powerful).

Side: Good surprisingly.


[spoiler=Enemies](please post pics for more)





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