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Vice & Virtue! An Original Archtype! Come on People Post Your Ideas For This!


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Vice & Virtue


Vice Knight - Hale Dous/Level 3/DARK/1200 ATK/600 DEF/Warrior/Tuner

Lore: When this monster is Normal Summoned successfully you can Special Summon 1 monster with "Virtue" in the monster name. When your Life Points increase inflict damage to your opponents Life Points equal to the amount of Life Points you gained, you can only use this effect once per turn.


Virtue Guardian - Ave Kai/Level 3/LIGHT/600 ATK/1200 DEF/Warrior/Effect

Lore: "Virtue" monsters you control cannot be destroyed by the effect of cards. When your opponents Life Points decrease by the effect of a card increase your Life Points equal to the Life Points your opponents Life Points were decreased by you can only use this effect once per turn. During your End Phase increase your Life Points x400 for each card in your hand.


Vice Bomber - Etra Kain/Level 4/DARK/1600 ATK/1000 DEF/Fiend/Effect

Lore: Discard 1 card from your hand to the Graveyard inflict 700 damage to your opponents Life Points you can only use this effect once per turn. When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard inflict 400 damage to your opponents Life Points.


Virtue Gate - Life of Light/Spell/Field

Lore: When a monster with "Virtue" in the card name is Summoned face-up on the field inflict 500 damage to your opponents Life Points. When a monster with "Vice" in the card name inflicts damage to your opponents Life Points add 1 "End Counter" to this card. If this card would be destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, you can remove 1 End Counter from this card.


Virtue End Dragon/Level 6/LIGHT/2600 ATK/1200 DEF/Dragon/Synchro/Effect

1 "Vice" Tuner + 1 "Virtue" non-Tuner

When this card is Synchro Summoned inflict 1000 damage to your opponents Life Points. When you gain Life Points inflict damage to your opponents Life Points equal to the amount you gained you can only use this effect once per turn. If this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard Special Summon 1 "Virtue" and "Vice" monster from your hand.


More to come I need a lot of OCG help because I don't know what the correct OCG is for the decrease/increase.

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