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I AM GOTHMOG is a group who loves fantasy, whether is be steampunk, gothic, archaic, or anything of the sort. Named after the lord of the Balrogs in the Lord of the Rings Legendarium, I AM GOTHMOG is a group devoted to the discussion and adoration of fantasy stories.


Why Was I AM GOTHMOG founded?

I AM GOTHMOG was founded to fill the need of a fantasy story club on YCM. Simple as that.


Where does the name come from?

I AM GOTHMOG was chosen for several reasons:

- Memorable

- Gothmog is awesome

- We're all nerds anyway (we are the ones who brought you Odinball)


How do I join?

Just fill out the application form below, and post it to this thread.



[spoiler=Join, Dear Traveler]


Do You Know Who Gothmog is?:

MSN (if applicable):




[spoiler=WE ARE GOTHMOG]

Lemniscate [[email protected]]

Yondaime [[email protected]]

Neko Kitten [N/A]

Charizard [[email protected]]

.fireworks [[email protected]]

Brodioh [N/A]

Spartan919 [N/A]

Big Brother [[email protected]]

Rozsudek [N/A]

Kuro no Keiyakushu [[email protected]]

shamushay [[email protected]]

Lopunny [[email protected]]








[spoiler=The Gothmog Code]

Prohibited Actions:

- Spamming

- Trolling

- Flaming

- Insulting GOTHMOG.



[spoiler=The Gothmog Legendarium]

12/21/09 - I AM GOTHMOG established.

12/22/09 - Domo-Pika dropped as mascot of I AM GOTHMOG.

12/22/09 - I AM GOTHMOG established as the Official YCM Fantasy Organization




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The board just upgraded, and spoilers are all messed up now.

I'm sad, and hope that the problem can be resolved fairly soon.

I am setting up an HQ for us, and once we have enough members, I will start up a club RP that I have been working on for a while, and finally want to open to the public.

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Please read the FAQ to find out more about Gothmog.

It's from Lord of the Rings (well' date=' really, the Legendarium around LOTR, but I digress)

Anyway, I love Lord of the Rings, and find Balrogs amazing, almost up there with Cthulhu, which is really saying something.


Ummm.....Cthulhu? How do you even pronunce that it the english language of which we're speaking?

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Please read the FAQ to find out more about Gothmog.

It's from Lord of the Rings (well' date=' really, the Legendarium around LOTR, but I digress)

Anyway, I love Lord of the Rings, and find Balrogs amazing, almost up there with Cthulhu, which is really saying something.


Ummm.....Cthulhu? How do you even pronunce that it the english language of which we're speaking?




Yea' date=' I know. I like the other ones too. I guess it just looks bad when there are a bunch of spoilers next to each other like in clubs.


And welcome to the club.



Yeah, oh well, it's not that big a deal.


Name: Charizard

Do You Know Who Gothmog is?: I AM GOTHMOG

MSN (if applicable): In my profile

Errata: Nothing much.


Accepted, of course.

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Name: Kieran Pertnav

Do You Know Who Gothmog is?: I do now

MSN (if applicable): [email protected]

Errata: I seriously thought about putting something in the Errata section of this application whilst sitting in my bed, then decided that instead for ironic effect I would put the fact that I thought about it. Then I realized that by doing so I was getting myself started on a serious roller coaster of pointless irony fueled by my own need to feel clever, and then recognizing that irony and thus making myself feel more clever. I could just have easily left this blank, but now that I hath spewed this filth I feel a compulsion to keep it a part of my application, as, though egotistical, it is much more entertaining from my perspective than simply putting "nothing really".

Also, your logo is really awesome :D

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