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Theinen the Great Sphinx[DISC]

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Umm....Just a thought......


Pyramid of Light, SS both Sphinxes for 500 LP ea. Summon Demise and use it's effect to nuke everything other than himself. SS Theinen because Andro and Teleia were destroyed at the same time, pay 500 LP to put it at 6000 ATK, Demise is 2400 = 8400 damage = OTK?


I dunno...just thinking.


I actually bought the movie pack at K-Mart for 99 cents......Well worth it in my opinion XD


A deck or two can built around this.....I just know it.

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Umm....Just a thought......


Pyramid of Light' date=' SS both Sphinxes for 500 LP ea. Summon Demise and use it's effect to nuke everything other than himself. SS Theinen because Andro and Teleia were destroyed at the same time, pay 500 LP to put it at 6000 ATK, Demise is 2400 = 8400 damage = OTK?


I dunno...just thinking.


I actually bought the movie pack at K-Mart for 99 cents......Well worth it in my opinion XD


A deck or two can built around this.....I just know it.



That would require you to have 6 cards in your hand.

Unless you had Advanced Ritual Art, then it would be 4.

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Umm....Just a thought......


Pyramid of Light' date=' SS both Sphinxes for 500 LP ea. Summon Demise and use it's effect to nuke everything other than himself. SS Theinen because Andro and Teleia were destroyed at the same time, pay 500 LP to put it at 6000 ATK, Demise is 2400 = 8400 damage = OTK?


I dunno...just thinking.


I actually bought the movie pack at K-Mart for 99 cents......Well worth it in my opinion XD


A deck or two can built around this.....I just know it.



That would require you to have 6 cards in your hand.

Unless you had Advanced Ritual Art, then it would be 4.


Your point? I don't care if it took the entire deck to do, if you can do it in that same turn, the number of cards Does. Not. Matter. A win is a win.

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10 Stars does not favor the speed of the Sphinxes.. and you need to have them in your hand to begin with... did I mention they are almost unsearchable?, their gift for their user is to not being able to attack the turn they are Summoned.

This would be better in the Extra Deck xD


[spoiler=How to make a Deck around this?....hmmm...]


Beconing Light

Piramid of Light

Heavy Storm

Call of the Haunted

Giant Trunade





Return from a Differenet Dimention


Macro Cosmos based Deck?




Its just a plain bad card, if you want to OTK by paying Life in an elavorated way with giant beatsticks, use Injection Fairy Lily and find a way to Summon it at 3.

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Umm....Just a thought......


Pyramid of Light' date=' SS both Sphinxes for 500 LP ea. Summon Demise and use it's effect to nuke everything other than himself. SS Theinen because Andro and Teleia were destroyed at the same time, pay 500 LP to put it at 6000 ATK, Demise is 2400 = 8400 damage = OTK?


I dunno...just thinking.


I actually bought the movie pack at K-Mart for 99 cents......Well worth it in my opinion XD


A deck or two can built around this.....I just know it.



Good idea, but far too slow.


Plus you'd have to be fairly lucky to get all the cards for it to work and hope that your opponent doesn't totally own pyramid when you set it.


But damm, if it works your opponent will be like FUUUUUUUUU...

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Umm....Just a thought......


Pyramid of Light' date=' SS both Sphinxes for 500 LP ea. Summon Demise and use it's effect to nuke everything other than himself. SS Theinen because Andro and Teleia were destroyed at the same time, pay 500 LP to put it at 6000 ATK, Demise is 2400 = 8400 damage = OTK?


I dunno...just thinking.


I actually bought the movie pack at K-Mart for 99 cents......Well worth it in my opinion XD


A deck or two can built around this.....I just know it.



Good idea, but far too slow.


Plus you'd have to be fairly lucky to get all the cards for it to work and hope that your opponent doesn't totally own pyramid when you set it.


But damm, if it works your opponent will be like FUUUUUUUUU...


This is true. But well worth it if you can pull it off. I suggest running this combo in a total Vanilla deck with Heart of the Underdog? Deck thinning + increases chance of drawing what you need? ARA is great for this too.

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