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O.C.G. Club Contest


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How is it anti support if I use my own monsters to power it? Nvm I'll make something else...

Went a bit generic with this one.


[spoiler=Card]377270g.jpg[spoiler=Lore]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing from play 2 Level 5 or higher monsters you control and a Spell Card you control. As long as you control this card, once per turn, you can Special Summon 1 Level 2 or lower LIGHT monster from your Hand. Increase the ATK of all FIRE monsters you control by 500 for every LIGHT monster you control. During each of your Standby Phases, inflict 400 damage to your opponent for ever face-up FIRE monster you control. Once per turn, you can remove from play all LIGHT monsters you control to Special Summon 1 FIRE monster from either players Graveyard who's Level is equal to or lower than the combined Level of the removed from play LIGHT monsters.



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[align=center][spoiler=[b]Aqua Angel[/b]]





For each FIRE monster your opponent controls, place 1 Aqua Angel Counter on this card (max.3). You can remove 1 Aqua Angel Counter from this card to Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower FIRE monster from your Graveyard in face-up Attack Position, the monsters Summoned by this card's effect lose 300 DEF until the End Phase. You can send the top card of your Deck to the Graveyard to discard 1 random card in your opponent's hand. If it's a FIRE monster, you gain 500 Life Points.[/align]


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When this card is Normal Summoned, increase the ATK of this card by 500 for each FIRE monster you control until the end of your Battle Phase. During your End Phase after this card was Normal Summoned, destroy all face-up FIRE monsters on the field. Then this card gains ATK and DEF equal to each card destroyed by this effect x200.




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Sorry for the late entry, I was celebrating X-mas.

[spoiler= Lantern of the Depth]


Lore: This card is also teated as a Thunder-Type monster. As long as this card remains the top card of your Graveyard, all FIRE monsters gain 300 ATK and DEF and are not effected by the effects of Monster and Trap Cards. When this card is not the top card in your Graveyard, you can pay 700 Life Points to place this card on the top of your Graveyard.

Pic: Google img.



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[align=center][spoiler= [size=medium]Pyromaniac Laser Jellyfish[/size]]


This card is also treated as Pyro-Type monster. When this card is Summoned, select 1 FIRE monster from your deck and add it to your hand. Once per turn, you can remove from play 1 FIRE monster from your Graveyard to Special Summon 1 "Pyro Jelly Token" (Aqua-Type/FIRE/ Level 2/ATK 0/DEF 0). If a FIRE monster would be destroyed, you can destroy 1 "Pyro Jelly Token" instead.


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