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O.C.G. Club Contest


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[spoiler=Round 4 card]


This card is also treated as Fiend-Type monster. When this card is Summoned, change all Tuner monsters on the field excpet this card into face-down Defense Position. You can remove from play up to 3 "Heroic Shadow" monsters from your Deck, hand or Graveyard to decrease this card's Level by the amount of monsters removed. For each card removed from play by this card's effect, you can pay 800 Life Points to destroy 1 face-down card on the field.


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Ok, we will move on, Round 5 Task is up.

And look, The end Date will be 11th January because that its the day I'm going to disney, and I will not be here for 12 days, so you have until 24 to post your cards, but if everybody post their cards in THE GOD DAMN TIME, it will be easier.

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[align=center]Alrighty then, here's my card.

[spoiler=[color=#696969]Guardian of the Grave Realm[/color]]


This card cannot be normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except when 10 of your cards are sent to the Graveyard in 1 turn. This card's ATK and DEF are each equal to the number of cards in your Graveyard x 300. Once per turn, you can remove 5 card in your Graveyard from play, this card can attack twice during that turn.



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