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This card gains 150 ATK equal to the combined Level of all Fiend-Type monsters eqipped to this card x the number of Thunder-Type monsters equipped to it.



NOT the level' date=' the NUMBER!!!



Umm... Yes, I said that I had misread it...

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Nope' date=' it cuts of around midway down the pic. Anyways:


This is a really tough one. Both are kinda OP'ed, but I guess that's kinda ok, for a Level 12. Overall I like Card A more, I like the name, pic, effect, balance, everything better TBH.


EDIT: I just noticed Zero's post. Please explain how it only makes 600. Do not count my vote until then.



Level 4 Fiend-Type monster = 600 ATK. logical


600 x the amount of Thunder-Type monsters equipped to it [Notice: Not the level]

Regardless, too confusing of an effect. My vote stands.

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This card gains 150 ATK equal to the combined Level of all Fiend-Type monsters eqipped to this card x the number of Thunder-Type monsters equipped to it.



NOT the level' date=' the NUMBER!!!



Umm... Yes, I said that I had misread it...


I meant Zero. sorry for the missunderstanding

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First to 5 valid votes wins!


What you need to makes

Make a Feind-Type Monster

Must be level 12

Must have an effect



Winner: 3 Rep from loser

Loser: Nothing



Must have a valid reason for voting or it won't count.


Card A



This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Tributing 3 monsters' date=' including at least 1 Thunder-Type monster and 1 Fiend-Type monster. This card is also treated as Thunder-Type monster. Once per turn, you can equip 1 Fiend-Type monster and 1 Thunder-Type monster from your Graveyard to this card. This card gains 150 ATK equal to the combined Level of all Fiend-Type monsters eq[b']u[/b]ipped to this card x the number of Thunder-Type monsters equipped to it. You can remove from play 1 Thunder-Type monster equipped to this card to negate the effect of a card that targets this card and destroy that card.



Card B



This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by paying 1000 Life Points and removing 3 DARK monsters from play in your Graveyard from play. This card cannot attack unless you discard 1 DARK monster from your hand. If this card attacks an opponent's Attack Position monster, destroy 1 Spell or Trap Card on your opponent's field at the end of the Damage Step. This card is unaffected by Spell and Trap Cards.


I know whose cards who. Fixed some OCG. B is a bit UP'ed. Barely though, Card A gets my vote.

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