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Yu-gi-oh Dude

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I have had ENOUGH with Yu-gi-oh Riddles. So, here is a riddle thread for those who love normal riddles.




[spoiler=Riddle 1 SOLVED]A murderer is condemned to death. He has an option on how he dies. There are 3 rooms, each with a method of death inside. The first room contains assasain's with loaded guns, katanas and the like. The second is full of raging fires. The third has lions that haven't eaten for 6 months. Which is the safest room? A:Room 3 because lions that haven't eaten in six months are dead.



[spoiler=Riddle 2 SOLVED]What is given to you, belongs to you, but your friends use it more than you do? A:Your name.



[spoiler=Riddle 3 SOLVED]Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the tallest mountain? A:It is still Mount Everest.



[spoiler=Riddle 4 SOLVED]This is a most unusual paragraph - and so is its companion paragraph that follows. This writing may annoy you until you find out why it is so unusual, for you won't find a solution instantly. But don't go into a tailspin about it, for it isn't that difficult. But you will admit that it is most unusual. This writing looks so ordinary that you might think that nothing is worng with it. And, in fact, nothing is wrong with it. But it is unusual, and you must ask why. If you study and think about it, you may find out why, but you must do it without any coaching of any kind. No doubt if you work at it for long, it will dawn on you...who knows? So start to study it now, and try your skill at finding out what is so unusual about this writing. If you can do it in half an hour, you may claim an approach to wisdom, but if you can't do it in half an hour...find its solution soon! A:It doesn't contain the letter 'e' at all! IKt's a suprise cos 'e' is the most common word in the English language



[spoiler=Riddle 5 SOLVED]A doctor and a bus driver are both in love with the same woman, an attractive girl named Sarah. The bus driver had to go on a long bus trip that would last a week. Before he left, he gave Sarah seven apples. Why?


Hint:This riddle is not so much lateral thinking, but knowledge in a different area. A:An apple a day keeps the doctor away!



[spoiler=Riddle 6 SOLVED AT LONG LAST!!!]Two men were in the desert. They hadn't eaten for days. One day 1 man ate the other one out of starvation. No one had heard about the incident. Who was the murderer? A:I am the muderer. If no one knows about it but I, then... It must be me.



[spoiler=Riddle 7 SOLVED]While walking across a bridge I saw a boat full of people. Yet on the boat there wasn't a single person. Why? A:Everyone on the boat was married.



[spoiler=Riddle 8 SOLVED]A man was walking in the jungle. He only had one bullet in his gun. But yet he shot a puma and a cougar. How did he do this? A:A puma and a cougar are the same thing.




+1 rep for correct answer. Please wait patiently for reps. I can only give 3 a day y'know.

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This writing looks so ordinary that you might think that nothing is worng with it. And, in fact, nothing is wrong with it. But it is unusual, and you must ask why.


That gave it away. I looked for the vowels.


There is no letter "e" in that whole paragraph.


EDIT: Either that or the fact that one of the wrongs is spelt as worng.

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