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Y S0 Z3R10UZ?


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Altair was around Solid Mod' date=' and Nami was Low Mod at very best, other than that, I will agree with you.



Nami was low/solid mod. :P Altair Was High Novice. Trust me on that one.


Completely out of topic: Who would you say was better at classing? You or Shade?

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You haven't offered any argument or suggested that we argue therefor I think that that attack on me is irrelevant.

Your side conversation is irrelevant not only because it distracts from the topic but it is about arguing arbitrary systems of ranking based on a group of people who have for the most part left this site.

Therefor, your discussion hijacks the thread and turns it into a place where you can argue about a largely unimportant and arbitrary abstract element of GFX.

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