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Dante's Inferno-The New Quest(not started, always accepting)[advanced]


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This video game hasn't come out yet but it looks cool.

story: Hundreds of years have passed since Dante traveled through the circles of hell to retrieve his love, Beatrice. And now Lucifer (AKA Satan, AKA The Devil) has found a powerful artifact that he uses to turns almost all of the worlds population into shades, demons, zombies, and half formed monsters. Only a few humans were left unchanged (no one knows how) the few that weren't mutated take up a quest to travel through the circles of hell in order to regain the artifact, turn everyone back, and destroy Lucifer once and for all.






weapons(and picture if available):


extra info:


my app

name: Dante Alighieri

age: 14

appearance: 068978944.jpg

weapons(and picture if available): The big Scythe the guy is holding 842403556.jpg and a holy cross

bio(optianal): N/A

extra info: A descendant of Dante Alighieri.

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name: Kage Radens

age: 16


weapons(and picture if available): A mystic claymore that holds secret powers. Not even Kane knows the powers of his sword. Also has a short sword, and steel buckler.



bio(optianal): Kane was trained by his father in the use of the blade. He was taught how to use the great claymores with speed and agility, and once his father deemed he was ready, he gave him his claymore (seen above). In doing so, something transpired, and Kane's father was killed. Now Kane fights the powers of evil, doing good and trying to discover the powers his sword beholds.

extra info: Friends with Dante, mysterious but friendly, aggressive, kind

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name: Sven

age: 27

appearance: http://media.photobucket.com/image/sven%20vollfied/breakmeshakem/Black%20Cat/Sven/bc03_142.jpg

weapons(and picture if available): A gun and dual blades.

bio(optianal): Sven was wandering the world looking for special treasures, but one day he found monsters. He tried to protect himself, but he failed. The next time he woke up, he found himself in a land of monsters, but he has no idea wait happened. He now has a bad case of amnesia.

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