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Android - Psycho Lord? Possibly an Evoultion to Jinzo?

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I was watching GX 164 today, and they guy who plays the Pshyco Deck, tributed Jinzo for a more powerful version


Here it is




Android - Psycho Lord

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Tributing 1 "Jinzo". Trap Cards cannot be activated and the effects of all face-up Trap Cards are negated. Once per turn, you can look at 1 card in your opponent's hand or Spell & Trap Card Zones. If it is a Trap Card, destroy it and inflict 300 damage to your opponent.


Possibly and English name will be Jinzo Lord




Also... i found this card that can be vital to Jinzo




Android - Psycho Returner

This card can attack your opponent directly. When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard you can Special Summon 1 "Jinzo" from your Graveyard.


Possible English name will be Jinzo Returner


could these possibly be released as a card in the future... maybe Light of Destruction? Discuss

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i dont think this one will be printed. its no good whatsoever. its just jinzo with 200 more attack with a conditional summon' date=' and a worthless effect.


i'm not sure if you are all aware but Jinzo's original Japanese name was [b']"Android Psycho Shocker"[/b]


thats a way better name than Jinzo


plus they need more support to Psycho decks... there barely aint any

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i dont think this one will be printed. its no good whatsoever. its just jinzo with 200 more attack with a conditional summon' date=' and a worthless effect.


i'm not sure if you are all aware but Jinzo's original Japanese name was "Android Psycho Shocker"



I've known that for a while. And actually it was "Jinzouningen - Saikoshokkā". Same thing really. :P

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Another card




Psychic Wave

Activate only by selecting 1 face-up Attack Position "Android - Psycho Returner" you control. By sending 1 "Jinzo" from your hand or Deck to the Graveyard, inflict damage to your opponent's Life Points equal to the selected monster's ATK.

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Well' date=' we are sure Android - Psycho Lord is an evolution of Jinzo. I do hope it will come out in boosterpacks or even in a structuredeck. Looks cool. They should introduce the Cyber-Style structure deck and the Psycho-Style structuredeck.


They actually already made a Machine-Structure but I guess a Starter deck wouldn't be bad...(It would be weird seeing the same Type in a Structre deck twice)

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obvisouly... if this card does get released... i want this card too aswell



Viser Des

When this card is Normal Summoned or Special Summoned, select 1 of your opponent's monsters. That monster is destroyed on your third Standby Phase. Until this card's effect has resolved, this card cannot be destroyed as a result of battle. (damage calculation is applied normally.)


this card will help out Psycho Decks

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