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The Piviot Collection-By Kuri and Xion


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This collection is all piviot animation some of my simplest and best work is all inside here if you want to use any (sig,anvis,banner etc.) please give credit and pay 10points directly to me; no credit needed if you pay 20points or 2 reps just PM me what piviot you want.(only applys to me for now)

All animations are done by me and Xion plz wait for full animation thanks!

[spoiler=Kuri's Piviot Gallery]

[spoiler=Piviot 1]10p9189.gif

[spoiler=Piviot 2]30vos5l.gif


[spoiler=Piviot 3]3493u4h.gif

[spoiler=Piviot 4]2ewdyd2.gif

[spoiler=Piviot 5]9uceti.gif

[spoiler=Piviot 6]2yljya0.gif

[spoiler=Piviot 7]n534a0.gif



[spoiler=Xion's Piviot Gallery][spoiler=Piviot 1]incr29.gif



hope you enjoy our piviot collection plz comment and rate ^^

+ Reps Appreciated

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