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Reverse Set/Deck Contest


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I got an idea for a new type of deck. A Reverse deck. Its the ultimate staller deck and can be very offencive if needed. I want to see what people can make up for it.


Here is the basic concept:


First round one: finishes in one week

Instead of you losing lifepoints you opponent gains lifepoints. Instead of your monster being sent to the graveyard your opponent special summons a monster from their hand.

You have to use your cards to get all your opponents good cards out and then vanquish them in one awesome kill.



3 rep = 1st

2 rep = 2nd

1 rep = 3rd


For the second round:

The second round is whoever can make the best deck out of the cards people have made. You may state a little bit about the Combos used and the deck flow and strength.


First = 3 rep


Here are the rules:


For round one:

1. You must have at least 3 cards that reverse the effects of your opponents cards.

2. Not all your cards need pictures (pictures are prefered though)

3. You must have at least 3 monsters.

4. No cards with any pornographic pictures (I will decrease rep for it)

5. Your monsters must have varing levels (level 1-4,5-6,7+ etc.)

6. Try and make them good and try and make them work in combos with other peoples cards (remember other people will be using them in their decks)


For round two:

1. You may add in cards from the real game.

2. Your deck MUST have at least 40 cards and no more than 1 copy of a restricted card in a deck.

3. No forbidden cards.

4. You may include a paragraph telling people how to use the deck.

5. You may only enter this round if you entered the previous round.


Good luck

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