Father Wolf Posted January 12, 2010 Report Share Posted January 12, 2010 ITT: The only legal cards should be Kirboh and De-Spell DeckMonsters 20Kirboh x20 SpellsDe-Spells x20 in fact Kirboh is broken because he hides in the hand Spells 40De-Spells x40 but de-spell is broken because it can kill de-spells Deck x0Time to quite giving a sheet about a card game and start getting laid. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Toffee. Posted January 12, 2010 Report Share Posted January 12, 2010 lol@FW Broken Topic X should be banned because users on YCM tend to be joke accounts Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Chaos Pudding Posted January 12, 2010 Report Share Posted January 12, 2010 Argument 7 works with COTH' date=' Monster Reborn, and Premature... it's the less of 3 evils and one of those three are necessary for the game.[/quote'] No, generic costless revival is not necessary for the game. On the contrary it harms the game by even existing. Being sent to the Graveyard, once cause for alarm, is now cause for celebration. This almost assuredly stems from the advent of easy-to-use generic revival, among other things, such as Chaos-esque monsters, which rely on cards in the Graveyard in order to be Summoned/used. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GenzoTheHarpist Posted January 12, 2010 Report Share Posted January 12, 2010 3) [Broken Card X] should not be banned because it has a high monetary cost. This one always seemed to me more like an argument about why it should be banned (not that it's valid either way). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
daboss144 Posted January 12, 2010 Report Share Posted January 12, 2010 Argument 7 works with COTH' date=' Monster Reborn, and Premature... it's the less of 3 evils and one of those three are necessary for the game.[/quote'] No, generic costless revival is not necessary for the game. On the contrary it harms the game by even existing. Being sent to the Graveyard, once cause for alarm, is now cause for celebration. This almost assuredly stems from the advent of easy-to-use generic revival, among other things, such as Chaos-esque monsters, which rely on cards in the Graveyard in order to be Summoned/used. I'm looking from a Konami standpoint. They will NEVER ban all 3 at once. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Chaos Pudding Posted January 12, 2010 Report Share Posted January 12, 2010 Argument 7 works with COTH' date=' Monster Reborn, and Premature... it's the less of 3 evils and one of those three are necessary for the game.[/quote'] No, generic costless revival is not necessary for the game. On the contrary it harms the game by even existing. Being sent to the Graveyard, once cause for alarm, is now cause for celebration. This almost assuredly stems from the advent of easy-to-use generic revival, among other things, such as Chaos-esque monsters, which rely on cards in the Graveyard in order to be Summoned/used. I'm looking from a Konami standpoint. They will NEVER ban all 3 at once. Says you. And, even if that was true, why does it matter in this context. This topic is about logical fallacies in regards to the players, not Konami. They have another perspective on the game, one that mere players aren't privy to. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrabHelmet Posted January 12, 2010 Author Report Share Posted January 12, 2010 Argument 7 works with COTH' date=' Monster Reborn, and Premature... it's the less of 3 evils and one of those three are necessary for the game.[/quote'] I will pass over the problem that none of those cards actually needs to be legal (and that the only evidence supporting their position is what you think Konami will do, which implies that you don't know what the word "should" means) and accept for the sake of argument the position that one of those three will be legal in order to examine the validity of Argument 7 in this situation. The argument in question is not "Call of the Haunted should be legal because it is less broken than Monster Reborn and Premature Burial" but rather "Call of the Haunted should be legal because some form of super-recursion is necessary for the game and Call of the Haunted is the least-damaging form of such super-recursion". The key feature is the argument that one of those three needs to be legal in the first place, and as such the position being supported is not "Call of the Haunted should be legal, not banned!" but rather "Out of these three, the one that should remain legal is Call of the Haunted" - an important distinction, as it is being used not to save a card but rather to decide which card should be saved, and as such the argument's premise and conclusion are different, making it an entirely different argument that uses similar wording. In other words, Argument 7 is not valid here, and it is not even being used here. Another argument that is related to Argument 7 is both used and valid here. The question here is not "Ban or not ban?" but "Ban which?" 3) [Broken Card X] should not be banned because it has a high monetary cost. This one always seemed to me more like an argument about why it should be banned (not that it's valid either way). In the interests of the reality that I by and large ignore, I would actually condone giving the benefit of the doubt to borderline cheap cards while not doing so for borderline expensive cards. Making the game less of a money game is a positive improvement, and while I construct lists on the assumption that everyone has an unlimited card pool (presumably they use YVD?) in my judgment of balance, someone who cares about real life should feel free to be a bit less forgiving toward the cards that not everyone can afford, as doing so increases equality of access to cards and thus improves the game state. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
-Griffin Posted January 12, 2010 Report Share Posted January 12, 2010 2) [Broken Card X] should not be banned because [Decktype L] is too weak without it. I agree with this in LS and GBs case' date=' but I'm not sure it's always invalid - such as Short Circuit for Batterymen Is this always true Crab of infinite wisdom? And can you explain to us in a bit more detail why it is [i']always[/i] true? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrabHelmet Posted January 12, 2010 Author Report Share Posted January 12, 2010 2) [Broken Card X] should not be banned because [Decktype L] is too weak without it. I agree with this in LS and GBs case' date=' but I'm not sure it's always invalid - such as Short Circuit for Batterymen Is this always true Crab of infinite wisdom? And can you explain to us in a bit more detail why it is [i']always[/i] true? If a card is to remain legal, then giving a specific decktype a boost is not the reason - or at least not a valid reason - for keeping it legal. In the case of Short Circuit, it is generally left unbanned because the setup required is demanding enough, and the associated OTK weak enough, that it is not considered a problem in the first place; buffing Batterymen was never a factor. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
daboss144 Posted January 12, 2010 Report Share Posted January 12, 2010 Argument 7 works with COTH' date=' Monster Reborn, and Premature... it's the less of 3 evils and one of those three are necessary for the game.[/quote'] I will pass over the problem that none of those cards actually needs to be legal (and that the only evidence supporting their position is what you think Konami will do, which implies that you don't know what the word "should" means) and accept for the sake of argument the position that one of those three will be legal in order to examine the validity of Argument 7 in this situation. The argument in question is not "Call of the Haunted should be legal because it is less broken than Monster Reborn and Premature Burial" but rather "Call of the Haunted should be legal because some form of super-recursion is necessary for the game and Call of the Haunted is the least-damaging form of such super-recursion". The key feature is the argument that one of those three needs to be legal in the first place, and as such the position being supported is not "Call of the Haunted should be legal, not banned!" but rather "Out of these three, the one that should remain legal is Call of the Haunted" - an important distinction, as it is being used not to save a card but rather to decide which card should be saved, and as such the argument's premise and conclusion are different, making it an entirely different argument that uses similar wording. In other words, Argument 7 is not valid here, and it is not even being used here. Another argument that is related to Argument 7 is both used and valid here. The question here is not "Ban or not ban?" but "Ban which?"Ok, understood. Although im not sure that COTH is the least broken of the 3, it can be bounced just like premature by brionac and company. Is reborn really more broken than that? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest PikaPerson01 Posted January 12, 2010 Report Share Posted January 12, 2010 Is reborn really more broken than that? lolycm Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Toffee. Posted January 12, 2010 Report Share Posted January 12, 2010 Is reborn really more broken than that? lolycmWith Konami's logic?And how they keep switching between which one, of the 3, is Limited Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mehmani Posted January 12, 2010 Report Share Posted January 12, 2010 Agreed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrabHelmet Posted January 12, 2010 Author Report Share Posted January 12, 2010 Although im not sure that COTH is the least broken of the 3' date=' it can be bounced just like premature by brionac and company. Is reborn really more broken than that?[/quote'] This is entirely off-topic, since Argument 7's status is the same regardless of which of the three is argued to be less of a problem, but since I have nothing better to do, I'll respond anyhow: Call, unlike Prem, destroys the monster if it gets bounced; Call, unlike Prem, cannot be recycled by Arms Hole; Call, unlike Prem and Reborn, needs to be Set in advance; and Brionac is banworthy anyhow. Monster Reborn is clearly a bigger problem. Still, all three should be banned, so it doesn't really matter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ihop Posted January 12, 2010 Report Share Posted January 12, 2010 Nº 2 works for BWW/Blackwings.And 10 is just Crab. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrabHelmet Posted January 12, 2010 Author Report Share Posted January 12, 2010 Nº 2 works for BWW/Blackwings. I'd love to hear about how an entire style of invalid argumentation somehow becomes valid in this specific case. The arguments listed here are so listed because they are fundamentally flawed. If you wish to claim that a case exists in which they are valid' date=' you must explain what makes them applicable to that case; I'm afraid I can't read your mind and determine what moon-logic makes you think Blackwings are somehow the exception to the rule. And 10 is just Crab. Sadly, I have actually seen 10 used a lot as a serious "counterargument". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GenzoTheHarpist Posted January 12, 2010 Report Share Posted January 12, 2010 Nº 2 works for BWW/Blackwings.And 10 is just Crab. 1st is totally wrong.2nd is an argument, it's used by traditional players all the time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
//Zeromaru// Posted January 12, 2010 Report Share Posted January 12, 2010 The only one I think you should take out of there is number 6.All the others your spot on with. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrabHelmet Posted January 12, 2010 Author Report Share Posted January 12, 2010 The only one I think you should take out of there is number 6.All the others your spot on with. Consider the fallacy that Argument 6 assumes that [Legal Broken Card D] actually deserves to be legal - which' date=' if [[i']Legal Broken Card D[/i]] is indeed broken and not [Legal Balanced Card D], it probably doesn't. Back when the Invasion of Chaos set first came out, Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning was not as broken as Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End. However, that didn't change the fact that both Envoys deserved to be banned from the moment they were printed. Argument 6 is primarily used today to say that Card X shouldn't be banned because it isn't as broken as Dark Armed Dragon. If Card D is not actually banworthy, Argument 6 can actually be a somewhat valid argument of transitivity, though it still leads to problems with things like the popular "Heavy Storm Clause". However, in that scenario, since Card D is not itself banworthy, the argument in question is no longer Argument 6, but another argument concerning [Legal Balanced Card D]. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
daboss144 Posted January 13, 2010 Report Share Posted January 13, 2010 Is reborn really more broken than that? lolycm Rhetorical Question <.< Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ririkun Posted January 13, 2010 Report Share Posted January 13, 2010 Good thread, lol I don't think I did any of these when making up my own list of cards. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Valkyrie Lupia Blitzer Posted January 13, 2010 Report Share Posted January 13, 2010 These fallacies need to be quoted all over. :/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lolimar Posted January 17, 2010 Report Share Posted January 17, 2010 3) [Broken Card X] should not be banned because it has a high monetary cost. By that, you mean it costs lots of money? Lol too lazy to look up monetary :P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wizarus Posted January 17, 2010 Report Share Posted January 17, 2010 3) [Broken Card X] should not be banned because it has a high monetary cost. By that' date=' you mean it costs lots of money? Lol too lazy to look up monetary :P[/quote'] The card's maintenance cost. Now please, listen to the fail song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bg-rmRfotCw Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lolimar Posted January 17, 2010 Report Share Posted January 17, 2010 3) [Broken Card X] should not be banned because it has a high monetary cost. By that' date=' you mean it costs lots of money? Lol too lazy to look up monetary :P[/quote'] The card's maintenance cost. Now please, listen to the fail song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bg-rmRfotCw That is a bad fail song, listen to this fail song instead. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IW0tDA8wIw8 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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