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Clubs/Org. Interviews - shut down, will be back next year. FOR REAL!!!


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[spoiler=Monkey/The ♣ ]


Hello, I'm here to interview the club, "[Ø] The ♣ [Ø]". And I am here to


ask you a series of questions.


Tell us a bit about yourself and and the club.

I'm assuming you mean me as a YCM member so I'll tell about my Internet self. I am Monkey, I am a 6 starred member who joined in May '08. I am a renowned card maker and have won a few prestigious contests. I am a friendly member and try to serve as an example to others. Our club is run by everybody who is in it. We discuss any topic that is inside what is appropriate. It is just a place for people to get to know each other better and to have fun.


How are co-leaders/ranks chosen?

Co-leaders are chosen by the quality of a member's post, how active they are, and how mature they are. Co-leaders are chosen to watch over the club and keep it stable. We do not have ranks, only 3 officers below the co-leaders. The officers are in charge of making threads for the club's various activities and are in charge of other miscellaneous things.


What does the club talk the most about?

We talk about anything, as long as it is a reasonable topic and as long as it isn't classified as spam.


How's the atmosphere between you guys/how well do you work together?

I consider our club like a family almost, we all support each other and help each other. We are kind and are always there to help. There is no negative activity in our club, the only time would be when a new member to our club steps out of line because he/she did not read our posting rules, but that isn't really considered negativity because we just end up reminding the member about the rules.


Any club events going on?

We currently have a club raffle for Christmas and I have a planned game for the New Year Celebration.


Any christmas events planned in the club?

The raffle


What are you going to do on christmas?

Hand out some Christmas gifts to some members via pm, cards, etc.


Bonus Question: Do you like the club?

Of course, I would have left this club if I didn't. I wouldn't have accepted the role as co-leader if I didn't like this club.

[spoiler=BrokenHeart15/The Digimon Alliance]Hello, I'm here to interview your club, "The Digimon Alliance". And I am here to ask you a series of questions.


Tell us a bit about yourself and your club.

My club the is The New Digimon Alliance, it is what I believe to be the fourth Digimon Alliance to have been made. Here, we discuss Digimon, show off sprites and banners the members makes. I also attempt to make decent contests every so often.


How are co-leaders/ranks chosen?

I don't apply ranks to my club, it is tedious and unnecessary if you ask me. As for Co-leaders, I choose them based on a few things, that is members count and trustworthiness. There should always be balance, and my leaders are based on the Digimon Sovereigns. However, in my charity, I have offered the next leader position to whoever wins the christmas contest.


What does the club talk the most about?

In truth, we discuss Digimon, the graphics and in some odd cases, comparisons; but the hot topic lately is the discussion on the new Digimon Season coming out, and the new Digimon game as well.


How's the atmosphere between you guys/how well do you work together?

The long term members usually get along very well together, we rarely fight though there have been some before due to conflicting ideas about certain cases. In all, we get along very well and we keep a good atmosphere.


Any club events going on?

In the spirit of the holidays, I have created a christmas contest for my club, where the applicants are to find a digimon christmas picture. So far, there are four entries though I hope to see more.


Any christmas events planned in your club?

See above reply.


What are you going to do on christmas?

My family i going to go to a very nice hotel to relax and be with the family.


Bonus Question: Do you like your club?

Yeppers, it's my first successful club


[spoiler=Le Créateur/Fake Kingdom]Hello, I'm here to interview the club, "Fake Kingdom". And I am here to


ask you a series of questions.


Tell us a bit about yourself and and the club.


How are co-leaders/ranks chosen?Members seeking pormotion must PM a card that they have created to our leader. The leader will then forward it to other ranked members who will then rate the card on a scale of 10. Any rating of 8 or higher counts as a vote. A member with a 3/5 vote becomes a ranked member.


What does the club talk the most about? Fake Types and helping each other with ideas.


How's the atmosphere between you guys/how well do you work together? friendly, for the most part. Things can get a little heated at times but that usually happens between friends. We get over things quick.


Any club events going on? A GFX challenge, although its unoffcial.


Any christmas events planned in the club? Not this year.


What are you going to do on christmas? What we usually do, talk about Fake Types.


Bonus Question: Do you like the club? Would I have joined otherwise?


[spoiler=Magician of Darkness/MCM]Tell us a bit about yourself and and the club. Ok im a guy that made the MCM (Master Card Msker) Is there to help new members in be coming a legend in card making , deck making , Dueling & Have a place to put there card and we can help them.


How are co-leaders/ranks chosen?

[spoiler=Co-Leadership Chalange]

Just post I accept and you will be in 1 of the 8 slots.Once all 8 spots are filled I will PM a test to all of them the one that I think is the best form the user that filled that form will be this months Co-Leader.












What does the club talk the most about?

Card Making ,The Club & helping new members, ratin cards.


How's the atmosphere between you guys/how well do you work together?Well I have never hade an argumemt in that club.


Any club events going on?Yes The cristmas card making theam.


Any christmas events planned in the club?Can't say mybe next year I could not think of anything this here.


What are you going to do on christmas?Normal what I do every year

Bonus Question: Do you like the club?




[spoiler=Bassa2/Elite Dragon Force Club]Hello, I'm here to interview the club, "Elite Force Dragon Club". And I am

here to ask you a series of questions.


Tell us a bit about yourself and and the club.


Well i am Bassa and i have been a member of YCM for around 6 months now. I have made lots of friends here i have around 4,200 posts. I decided to make my club when i was a newb and didn't know who popular it was going to become. Now my club has over 50 members and 4000 posts.


How are co-leaders/ranks chosen?


Well i have 4 co-leaders which i chose based on how good members they were. They are all very active and help newer members with there cards and OCG.


What does the club talk the most about?


We mainly talk about TCG, whether that's new booster packs being released, New cards, Banned and Limited, New rules and how they could be improved.


How's the atmosphere between you guys/how well do you work together?


Me and my members work perfectly together. We like talking about that same things and we are all best friends. The atmosphere is great in our club and we hope to stay that way for months to come.


Any club events going on?


Well, at the moment we have a club contest and RP that all my members have joine. I am thinking of new things for the club in 2010 that will keep my members interested.


Any christmas events planned in the club?


Well, there are going to be lots of christmas activities for christmas but i am not going to ruin the surprise ;)


What are you going to do on christmas?


This year i am going to Spain for christmas with some of my mates and we will be relaxing on the beach drinking beer!


Bonus Question: Do you like the club?


Of course i like my club. I am very happy with all that my club has achieved and it would be great if this year my club gets stikied.


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