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any zelda haters out there?

Alex DeLarge

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I love all the Zelda games EXCEPT Spirit Tracks. Not only did they succeed in destroying Link's epicness by being a train conductor' date=' but they made Zelda a stupid needy princess, exactly the opposite person she was in Wind Waker.


Other than that, I love their games. They're awesome.


Really? I'm thinking of getting it for my B-day. But is the plot the only thing that sucks, or did they screw up on the controls/gameplay as well?

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I'm not really a fan of the Zelda series' date=' since most adventure games bored me to dead, but I can barely see any flaw in the series, [b']with the exception of the 3 CD-i games. Those 3 games shouldn't even exist, along with Hotel Mario.[/b]


Link to the Past and Minish Cap are still awesome though.


oh dude, a friend of mine has those games. there horrible X_X


He still has them?


Tell your friend to sell that garbage to a collector.


Last time I checked;

Zelda, Wand of Gamelon is worth about 50 dollar and 8 cent

Link, the faces of Evil is worth 60 dollar

and Zelda's Adventure is worth a whooping 186 dollar and 25 cents.

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I'm not really a fan of the Zelda series' date=' since most adventure games bored me to dead, but I can barely see any flaw in the series, [b']with the exception of the 3 CD-i games. Those 3 games shouldn't even exist, along with Hotel Mario.[/b]


Link to the Past and Minish Cap are still awesome though.


oh dude, a friend of mine has those games. there horrible X_X


He still has them?


Tell your friend to sell that garbage to a collector.


Last time I checked;

Zelda, Wand of Gamelon is worth about 50 dollar and 8 cent

Link, the faces of Evil is worth 60 dollar

and Zelda's Adventure is worth a whooping 186 dollar and 25 cents.


yea, problem is he is a collector himself, he has 2 copies of each one. one that he open up to play and the others in MIB never open. he is trying to make like a game museum and wants to have some extra stuff from consoles to games.

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  • 1 month later...

*reads title* No; no' date=' there aren't.


*reads thread*


Prove: mariokazooie's argument against [i']The Legend of Zelda[/i] is flawed.


here's what i mean by me saying i don't like zelda' date='the nes and snes ones were pretty decent games,but a bit too complex,

[b']lolwut? Lemme guess, you prefer GTA?[/b]


the newer ones are even more complex

It's a puzzle- and story-based series. That's the point.


and went out of control with equipping items to buttons.



seriously,whoever decided that EVERY button on the controller needed to have an item equipped to it

—doesn't exist; you can only equip three items anyway. Besides, in the first few Zeldas, guess what? Every button on the controller had an item equipped to it! It's just that there weren't enough buttons for more.


needs to be hung drawn and possibly quartered,

You remind me of the villains from Knights.


that,plus the fact that there are in my opinion too many cutscenes

...lolwut? It's a puzzle- and story-based series. That's the point.


equals a series that i WOULD play,but only if i had nothing else to do.

If you don't like the genre, come out and say that. Don't just pick on the best game series in the genre.

mariokazooie's argument against the Legend of Zelda series is flawed. Quod erat demonstrandum.


Op-in-ion, opinion, it's not hard. Also, I don't play GTA, I'm only 12.

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