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Shogun Chicken VS AzNLycaN {VOTE NOW!!!}

Shogun Chicken

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Can I post them Tommorow?

Nvm Ill post them today

[spoiler=Spell Card]157246p.jpg

Effect:For every "Chaos" monster that has been tributed to summon another "Chaos" monster you gain 500 Life Points. Once you've done this compare your Life Points with your opponents Life Points:

At least 1: If your opponent has more Life Points, you gain a quarter of his Life Points. Discard this card on your End Phase.

At least 2: If you have more Life Points you may Special Summon 1 "Chaotic God King". Discard this card on your End Phase.


[spoiler=Monster Card] 157246v.jpg

Effect: This card cannot be Special Summoned or Set. This card can only be summoned by the effect of "Sacrafice to the Chaos Master". Once you have summoned this card you must reveal your hand to your opponent:

At least 1: For every Monster Cards in your hand your opponent must discard 1 card from their hand..

At least 2: For Every Trap and Spell Card in your hand your opponent must discard the top card of their deck to their graveyard.





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