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Meh' date=' you all have time to figure out what you wanna do with your lives. No rush. Some figure it out later than others. No need to go at each other's throats - but if you do, lemme get some popcorn first.


I sort of figured my future job, somwhere to with IT and computing and im 17.

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Username: Snitch

How Long You've Been Making Cards: I dunno.

Examples of Card: [spoiler=This card is meh. =3]187946.jpg

1 Tuner monster + 1 non-Tuner Spellcaster-Type monster

While this card remains face-up on the field, players do not have a hand size limit. During a player's Main Phase, the turn player may draw a card. If they activate this effect, they may not Normal Summon a monster this turn. Increase this card's ATK by 300 for each card drawn by this effect.


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Never use release. Its not part of OCG anymore. Other then that and the d on Deck not being capitolized, it good.


You guys know how I said I was going to make a big 1-1 tournament? Well I'm changing it to a regular card contest. Its still going to be a tournament but I'm going to use a point system and the one with the least amount of points after the round will be eliminated. But there is still problem, I don't have a name. I need some ideas.

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