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Tale of the Watchers


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First Fan-Fic. Hope people like it.


Nightmares. At first no thought they were real. Everyone just thought it a figment of their imagination, thinking that they would just wake up and everything would be better. They thought wrong.


At first only a small group of friends were affected, but soon it engulfed the entire world. Of course the Humans fought back, we always fought back. That was just our nature. It was our downfall.


We are known as the Watchers. My name is Nicholas T. Miah, and if you are reading this then you are probably one of the last humans alive. Most of us were so young when it happened you probably don't know what caused the Hell you were born into.


If you are reading this then I implore you, read on. You must know what happened to our race, what happened to our home. I am Nicholas T. Miah and this is the Tale of the Wathcers.


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I like where this is going, as it's vague enough to keep me interested. However, when you said "Of course the Humans fought back," that's when it went too vague. If you mention something like that, then it would make sense to explain WHAT they fought. Simply saying 'nightmares' doesn't cut it.


Good none-the-less. =D

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