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~Code Geass: Rise of Babylon~ {Advanced} [Accepting via PM/Started]


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After the death of Lelouche Lamperouge, the world had a short period of peace. Queen Nunnally reigned as a just ruler for six months before her subjects began to conspire against her. The nobles of the Britannian court thought that Nunnally was too weak to rule the massive Britannian Empire. Her head advisor Lord Talbot ‘influenced’ Nunnally into passing laws that oppressed the non-Britannians of the Empire. Nunnally became a leaderhead and was assassinated by Talbot during her second year of her brief reign.


Due to the royal bloodline being exhausted, Talbot took control of the Empire as Supreme Counselor, a role that Talbot created to give him absolute control of the Empire. Talbot soon declared war on the Euro Universe, crushing them in only six months. Talbot then sent the Britannian army to conquer the rest of the world, leaving despair in their wake. One by one, nations fell to the greedy hands of Talbot’s Britannia. By the sixth year of his conquests, Talbot controlled the world.


Talbot’s dictatorship was harsh to all, including the once powerful Britannian nobles. Talbot commanded many brutalities to every people around the world. Many thought it was the end of the world.


Then, a new power emerged. In the Middle East, between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, the ancient city of Babylon revolted and defeated the Britannian oppressors under the leadership of Nebuchadrezzar III. From under Britannia, Babylon liberated the world from its oppressor with its Mushushshu Knightmares. First the Middle East, then Europe, then Asia, Nebuchadrezzar won battle after battle.


With the help of Babylon, the world redistributed the power once again. The New Europa emerged from the ashes of the Euro Universe and from the Chinese Federation emerged the Industrial Republic of China and from Babylon emerged The United Provinces of Babylon. The Britannian Empire was shaken to its core, especially Talbot.


The world is now at a ceasefire. The UPB is consolidating its newly liberated territories and Britannia was attempting to rebuild the army. Now the world’s attention is on Japan. Japan is still a Britannian province, but the resilient Japanese people have begun to form underground resistances with UPB support.


The strange ability of Geass has re-emerged from the chaos of the war of liberation. Knowledge of Geass was repressed by every government of the world, although rumors of agents with Geass have been reported. The stage is set, let the chaos begin…




- Godmodding strictly prohibited. Any godmodding with result with a perma ban. So don't do it please.

- YCM rules apply here.

- I have final say.

- If you tend to type with script speak or with incorrect grammar, don't bother applying.

- You must prove to me over PM that you can RP very well and know the series of Code Geass to have a Geass.

- Password is |yellow birds|




[b]Name:[/b] {Stay true to your nationality}
[b]Age:[/b] {No child geniuses}
[b]Nationality:[/b] {UPB, Britannia, Japan}
[b]Status:[b] {Civilian, Noble, Agent, Soldier, its up to you}
[b]Appearance:[/b] {Description preferred, pictures are allowed with captions}
[b]Personality:[/b] {Descriptive please, four lines at least.}
[b]Bio:[/b] {Paragraph or more}
[b]Weapon:[/b] {Only if you are a soldier, UPB agent or resistance member}

[b]Knightmare Generation:[/b] {Nothing past 9th generation, only high ranking agents of UPB and soldiers can have 8th generation}
[b]Knightmare Name:[/b]
[b]Knightmare Appearance:[/b] {Description preferred, pictures are allowed with captions}
[b]Knightmare Weaponry:[/b] {Be reasonable}
[b]Knightmare Secondary Abilities:[/b] {Be reasonable}


Delete the stuff in curly brackets ({}).



[spoiler=My Application]

Username: Otaku-sama

Name: Supreme Counsellor Charles Talbot

Age: 54

Nationality: Britannia

Status: Dictator of the Britannian Empire

Appearance: He is an aging man of a stout figure, being around 5' 8". His short hair is a dull brown that is greying around the sides and his beard is immaculately prepared. He wears a rather humble regalia for the dictator, a tight white and blue suit with gold buttons and shoulders with military ranking on the upper arms. His rank is Supreme Counsellor, so the Britannian lion is displayed as his rank.

Personality: A very powerful speaker. Talbot is able to inspire courage and nationhood into almost anyone he speaks to. He is also a adept military leader, being able to examine military formations and find weaknesses in them. He has all the qualities necessary for a dictator.

Bio: Talbot was born a noble of the Britannian Empire before it's conquests. He learned military tactics from his father and oration from his mother. He was 23 when he was able to become Queen Nunnally's royal advisor. He swayed the Queen into doing terrible things to the subjects of the Empire and eventually was the one who killed her, with a single shot of a revolver. With the help of his friends, he assumed control of the Britannian Empire under the rank of Supreme Counsellor.

Weapon: Carries the ceremonial sword and a revolver.


Knightmare Generation: 8th

Knightmare Name: Lion's Pride Mark XXXIV

Knightmare Appearance: It is a massive Knightmare, being as taller than the basic Sutherland by a good story or so. It is blue, white and gold, the national colours of the Empire. It is very blocky in shape, as a result of its armour.

Knightmare Weaponry:

1x Jousting Lance

1x Royal Immunity Shield

1x Hadron Cannon

2x Hades Missile Launcher (200 missiles each)

Knightmare Secondary Abilities:

Atlas Energy Shielding

Passive EMP generator




[spoiler=Accepted Applications]

[spoiler=ZhaneX - Ryo Kurenai]

Username: ZhaneX

Name: Ryo Kurenai

Age: 24

Nationality: Japan

Status: Resistance Member

Appearance: He has black, shoulder length hair that is never styled, usually left however he finds it in the morning. He wears a dark red shirt and black sweat pants along with a black suit jacket he normally wears over his shoulders. His eyes are a dark hazel color, though it's difficult to see his eyes as his bangs normally hang over them. He is a little under 6 feet tall and is fairly thin with few muscles.

Personality: An intelligent man, though not exactly a planner. His skills lay more in practicality than in theory. He is a talented Knightmare Pilot, his belief in his skills border on arrogance. His primary abilities are in tageting with long-range weaponary, and in stealth operations. He is very lazy usually, displaying hesitation when asked to do just about anything. The only thing he doesn't regard with the utmost disdain for doing is piloting his Knightmare.

Bio: A University graduate with a degree in Physics, he joined the Resistance almost immediatly after the Britannian Empire began it's new conquest of the world. He works mostly as a sabotage expert, crippling the Britannian Forces any chance he gets. His exact reason for joining the battle against Britannia is unknown, if he even has one. His only real reason seems to be the chance to pilot a Knightmare.

Weapon: AK-47 Assault Rifle


Knightmare Generation: 7th Generation

Knightmare Name: Dracula

Knightmare Appearance: Based upon the design of the Z-01 Lancelot Air Cavalry, the Dracula was designed for stealth purposes. It appears the same as the Lancelot on the outside, but features a pitch black paint scheme, while it's float unit is dark grey.

Knightmare Weaponry: 2x MVS Blades, 4x Slash Harkens, 1x VARIS Rifle

Knightmare Secondary Abilities: VANISH System - A Stealth system which emits a signal which interupts nearby radar systems, making the Dracula effectivly immune to radar detection.

FLOAT System - Improved Design of the older FLOAT System, enables flight.



[spoiler=Jose Zavala - Lord JZ of the Enigma]

Username: Lord JZ of the Enigma

Name: Jose Zavala

Age: 22

Nationality:UPB/Mexico(Have no clue whether or not they're affiliated)

Status: Agent

Appearance: About 5'9" with short Black hair in a crew cut, he normally wears A white sleeveless t-shirt covered over by a black leather jacket and wears Black denim jeans, he believes this makes him look like a secret agent.His eyes are a light golden brown and seem to be slitted though that's just a trick of the light he says.

Personality: Relatively Hyper, to be more descriptive he suffers from ADHD, though he acts as if his activities are normal, while he may be 22 years old, he acts with the common sense of an innocent 7-year old. He's usually very talkative and friendly, even with his opponent's, especially when in his Knightmare Frame. While he's smarter than he looks being a certified Psychologist, he has no dreams of trying to increase his social status.

Bio: He was considered an average student during his school days and was voted absolutely nothing during his high school years, other than a dreamer, when Queen Nunally took over the throne while he was 16 and her 15, he felt how wonderful it must be for someone so young to take such a position, to be honest he had a crush on the queen for the rest of her reign, when she died, he took it as a great blow, and a warning to all those who wished to grow up to quickly, so he reverted back to a childhood state for quite a few years, in his state he somehow managed to place himself in the positions of others, allowing himself to be the most competent Psychologist around. once the conquests were over he tried desperately to overlook everything that had happened in those years, even going so far as repressing his mind whenever he felt necessary, causing him great mental trauma. After the UPB established itself in the world, the Britannian Empire in an attempt to scare the people of Mexico from possible defection caused a great number of attacks on the defenseless towns, showing no mercy to anyone, including his own family while he was away on a Psychoanalyst meeting. upon returning he repressed the memory to the point of forgetting his own family causing himself to end up in the forgotten land of the Aztec ruins, where the recorded events of the Former Spanish rule was found. Upon seeing the distress he spent a year in hiding there attempting to learn whatever was needed for battle, as he knew there was no point in simply living in fear forever. He is currently attempting to join the UPB to help in whatever form he can.

Weapon: Double Barreled Mossberg 500 Shotgun fitted with a Grenade launcher, and an old Ritualistic macuahuitl Blade made of Titanium for usage in Melee battle.



Knightmare Generation: 7th Generation

Knightmare Name: Quetzalcoatl

Knightmare Appearance: It's color scheme is that of Black and red symbolizing the Blood and lost lives of his family and people it is of a sleek design in the body, with the exception of the Torso which bears a large Protrusion in the shape of Quetzalcoatl's head.

Knightmare Weaponry: 2x Slash Harken, 2x MVS blades,assault rifle w/grenade launcher and 2 x needle blazer, mounted on elbows

Knightmare Secondary Abilities: Special "Feather Dragon" Harken mounted in torso and miniature mounted in right arm, in shape of Dragon's head with the same capabilities as "Fukusha Hadou Kikou" enhanced radiant wave surge unit


Password: Pajaritos Amarillos


Granted: Geass Situated on the back of his right hand, it grants him the ability to see a person's emotional state, also his ability allows him to alter a person's mental state, thus having the ability to meld their minds in whatever shape he wants, his cruelest punishment so far is the ability to revert a person all the way back to an infant state, though forcing them into death is not impossible. In order to use the geass he must touch his opponent at least once with his right hand, though he normally wears a glove on his hand to prevent controlling allies once he loses control. He can control a person multiple times, but everytime he does his own mental state is deteriorated slowly.



[spoiler=Robert Sables - Train Rides By]

Username:train rides by

Name: robert sables

Age: 29


Status: Noble

Appearance: Robert is a 6'4" caucasin male wieghing in at about 189lbs. he is well bulit ,has short brown hair, and bright green eyes that seem to have a calming atomsphere about them.he normally wears a black undershirt with the sables family emblem(a pyramid) imprinted on it. over the undershirt he wears a white coat trimmed with gold thread, he also wore black pants that had a chain that went from the right front pocket to the back right pocket.he wore shoes that had metal studed tips. when he is fighting in his kightmare he wears the impearal suit woren during the war agaisnt zero.

Personality: Robert is usually drunk. he loves to party and get other people drunk.his favorit phrase is "Why work when you can play.". when robert goes into battle his drunkn ways carry on in his style of fighting.

Bio: being rasied in a noble family wasnt all it is cracked up to be for robert.when robert was a little boy his dad was in the millitary and had a high ranking so his dad never had time to spend playing with robert. his mother owned a business that prospered during the takeover during area elleven. the only person that had time for him was his older brother who taught him how to use a gun and wield a sword. when his brother went to war for the frist time he never came home leaving robert alone.When robert joined the millitary he quickly went up in the ranks and is now one of the knights of the round.



Knightmare Generation:8th

Knightmare Name:giza prince

Knightmare Appearance: the giza prince looks like the mordred hunged over with a gaint pyramid on its back. the pyrimid contains 5 hydron cannons which make the giza prince slow.

Knightmare Weaponry:

X radiant wave cannons(in the pyrmid takes 20 mins reloading time between firing)

X4 hades misslies each containing 100 misslies each

Knightmare Secondary Abilities: {Be reasonable}

radar invisiblity

1 large foat unit


Password:yellow birdes



[spoiler=Nanami Kouzuki - Kyouki no Kami]

Username: Kyouki no Kami

Name: Nanami Kouzuki (She dosent use her real last name.)

Age: 16

Nationality: Japanese

Status: The Elite

Appearance: [spoiler= her pic]Little_girl_by_helin666.jpg


Personality: Nanami Hates lancelots and will go berzerk If

she sees one. She is severely unstable, she relys on N2 for

comfort. She may time to time Treat the leader like a big brother, by calling him Onii-chan, and other things to taunt him.

Bio: Nanami is the illegitimate daughter of Zero and Kallen.

She found out on her mothers death bead, kallen died By the hands of a man, piloting a modfied lancelot. She joined the Risistance, and although she has been in may fights and there have been rumors Only the leader has seen her.

Weapon: A pistol I guess


Knightmare Generation: 7th Gen

Knightmare Appearance: [spoiler= Guren Prima X M2(Dont ask what happened to M1 XD)]Red_Airborne_Assault_by_Seig_Warheit.jpg



Knightmare Weaponry: The left arm has a Disruptor Stabilisation Unit Or (DISU) It can Give the Usualy eratic Energy of the original Guren, and alows the pilot to give that energy shape.


Geass:Can Negate Geass That Afects her.


Password:Yellow Birds



[spoiler=Adrian Landon - Crow]

Username: Crow.

Name: Adrian Landon

Age: 42

Nationality: Britannia

Status: General




[image: sage_by_sakaya0313.jpg]


A pale man who always carries a blank stare with him. His looks shroud him with mysteriousness.

Personality: A cold and heartless person, he intimidates most who speak to him. This man would prefer to go to battle than talk. His mind is always on completing the task at hand at whatever cost. Sometimes he can be caught saying a joke, or using sarcasm, but those times are few. He has few people he trust, and few people trust him. If on the verge of loss, he goes on a rampage against the enemy.

Bio:It is unknown where Adrian was born or raised as a child.He was in his late twenties when the events of Code Geass occurred. He joined the Britannian army under Emperor Charles. He advanced through the ranks of the army as a soldier, fighting the forces of Zero. He continued to stay in the army when Lelouch became the 99th Emperor. When the Zero Requiem was finished, and Nunnally and Talbot came to power, Talbot noticed the skills of Adrian. They became close friends. Once Talbot disposed of Nunnally, he promoted him to Lieutenant. He helped lead the crushing of the EU and the rest of the world. Talbot then promoted him to General of the Britannian Army. On one day his attack force lost to the army of Babylon, including a Knightmare duel between himself and Nebuchadrezzar III. He now vows revenge on all of the UPB and Nebuchadrezzar III

Weapon: None

Knightmare Generation: 8th Gen.

Knightmare Name: Crow

Knightmare Appearance:



[image: gundam_wing_by_munsking.png]


Rarely seen in battle, this black and white Knightmare has a menacing vibe to it.

Knightmare Weaponry: 1x RX-77 Guncannon 1x L.C.S. (Light Corruption Spatha)

Knightmare Secondary Abilities: Custom FLOAT system

Atlas Energy Shielding

Password: |yellow birds|




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Username: ZhaneX

Name: Ryo Kurenai

Age: 24

Nationality: Japan

Status: Resistance Member

Appearance: He has black, shoulder length hair that is never styled, usually left however he finds it in the morning. He wears a dark red shirt and black sweat pants along with a black suit jacket he normally wears over his shoulders. His eyes are a dark hazel color, though it's difficult to see his eyes as his bangs normally hang over them. He is a little under 6 feet tall and is fairly thin with few muscles.

Personality: An intelligent man, though not exactly a planner. His skills lay more in practicality than in theory. He is a talented Knightmare Pilot, his belief in his skills border on arrogance. His primary abilities are in tageting with long-range weaponary, and in stealth operations. He is very lazy usually, displaying hesitation when asked to do just about anything. The only thing he doesn't regard with the utmost disdain for doing is piloting his Knightmare.

Bio: A University graduate with a degree in Physics, he joined the Resistance almost immediatly after the Britannian Empire began it's new conquest of the world. He works mostly as a sabotage expert, crippling the Britannian Forces any chance he gets. His exact reason for joining the battle against Britannia is unknown, if he even has one. His only real reason seems to be the chance to pilot a Knightmare.

Weapon: Assault Rifle


Knightmare Generation: 7th Generation

Knightmare Name: Dracula

Knightmare Appearance: Based upon the design of the Z-01 Lancelot Air Cavalry, the Dracula was designed for stealth purposes. It appears the same as the Lancelot on the outside, but features a pitch black paint scheme, while it's float unit is dark grey.

Knightmare Weaponry: 2x MVS Blades, 4x Slash Harkens, 1x VARIS Rifle

Knightmare Secondary Abilities: VANISH System - A Stealth system which emits a signal which interupts nearby radar systems, making the Dracula effectivly immune to radar detection.

FLOAT System - Improved Design of the older FLOAT System, enables flight.


Hope that's enough, if any more details are needed, I can add them.

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Username: Lord JZ of the Enigma

Name: Jose Zavala

Age: 22

Nationality:UPB/Mexico(Have no clue whether or not they're affiliated)

Status: Agent

Appearance: About 5'9" with short Black hair in a crew cut, he normally wears A white sleeveless t-shirt covered over by a black leather jacket and wears Black denim jeans, he believes this makes him look like a secret agent.His eyes are a light golden brown and seem to be slitted though that's just a trick of the light he says.

Personality: Relatively Hyper, to be more descriptive he suffers from ADHD, though he acts as if his activities are normal, while he may be 22 years old, he acts with the common sense of an innocent 7-year old. He's usually very talkative and friendly, even with his opponent's, especially when in his Knightmare Frame. While he's smarter than he looks being a certified Psychologist, he has no dreams of trying to increase his social status.

Bio: He was considered an average student during his school days and was voted absolutely nothing during his high school years, other than a dreamer, when Queen Nunally took over the throne while he was 16 and her 15, he felt how wonderful it must be for someone so young to take such a position, to be honest he had a crush on the queen for the rest of her reign, when she died, he took it as a great blow, and a warning to all those who wished to grow up to quickly, so he reverted back to a childhood state for quite a few years, in his state he somehow managed to place himself in the positions of others, allowing himself to be the most competent Psychologist around. once the conquests were over he tried desperately to overlook everything that had happened in those years, even going so far as repressing his mind whenever he felt necessary, causing him great mental trauma. After the UPB established itself in the world, the Britannian Empire in an attempt to scare the people of Mexico from possible defection caused a great number of attacks on the defenseless towns, showing no mercy to anyone, including his own family while he was away on a Psychoanalyst meeting. upon returning he repressed the memory to the point of forgetting his own family causing himself to end up in the forgotten land of the Aztec ruins, where the recorded events of the Former Spanish rule was found. Upon seeing the distress he spent a year in hiding there attempting to learn whatever was needed for battle, as he knew there was no point in simply living in fear forever. He is currently attempting to join the UPB to help in whatever form he can.

Weapon: Double Barreled Mossberg 500 Shotgun fitted with a Grenade launcher, and an old Ritualistic macuahuitl Blade made of Titanium for usage in Melee battle.



Knightmare Generation: 7th Generation

Knightmare Name: Quetzalcoatl

Knightmare Appearance: It's color scheme is that of Black and red symbolizing the Blood and lost lives of his family and people it is of a sleek design in the body, with the exception of the Torso which bears a large Protrusion in the shape of Quetzalcoatl's head.

Knightmare Weaponry: 2x Slash Harken, 2x MVS blades,assault rifle w/grenade launcher and 2 x needle blazer, mounted on elbows

Knightmare Secondary Abilities: Special "Feather Dragon" Harken mounted in torso and miniature mounted in right arm, in shape of Dragon's head with the same capabilities as "Fukusha Hadou Kikou" enhanced radiant wave surge unit


Password: Pajaritos Amarillos


Granted: Geass Situated on the back of his right hand, it grants him the ability to see a person's emotional state, also his ability allows him to alter a person's mental state, thus having the ability to meld their minds in whatever shape he wants, his cruelest punishment so far is the ability to revert a person all the way back to an infant state, though forcing them into death is not impossible. In order to use the geass he must touch his opponent at least once with his right hand, though he normally wears a glove on his hand to prevent controlling allies once he loses control. He can control a person multiple times, but everytime he does his own mental state is deteriorated slowly.

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Username:train rides by

Name: robert sables

Age: 29


Status: Noble

Appearance: Robert is a 6'4" caucasin male wieghing in at about 189lbs. he is well bulit ,has short brown hair, and bright green eyes that seem to have a calming atomsphere about them.he normally wears a black undershirt with the sables family emblem(a pyramid) imprinted on it. over the undershirt he wears a white coat trimmed with gold thread, he also wore black pants that had a chain that went from the right front pocket to the back right pocket.he wore shoes that had metal studed tips. when he is fighting in his kightmare he wears the impearal suit woren during the war agaisnt zero.

Personality: Robert is usually drunk. he loves to party and get other people drunk.his favorit phrase is "Why work when you can play.". when robert goes into battle his drunkn ways carry on in his style of fighting.

Bio: being rasied in a noble family wasnt all it is cracked up to be for robert.when robert was a little boy his dad was in the millitary and had a high ranking so his dad never had time to spend playing with robert. his mother owned a business that prospered during the takeover during area elleven. the only person that had time for him was his older brother who taught him how to use a gun and wield a sword. when his brother went to war for the frist time he never came home leaving robert alone.When robert joined the millitary he quickly went up in the ranks and is now one of the knights of the round.



Knightmare Generation:8th

Knightmare Name:giza prince

Knightmare Appearance: the giza prince looks like the mordred hunged over with a gaint pyramid on its back. the pyrimid contains 5 hydron cannons which make the giza prince slow.

Knightmare Weaponry:

X radiant wave cannons(in the pyrmid takes 20 mins reloading time between firing)

X4 hades misslies each containing 100 misslies each

Knightmare Secondary Abilities: {Be reasonable}

radar invisiblity

1 large foat unit


Password:yellow birdes

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