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lolmods + lolreligion


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If this needs to be moved to Games... get off your lazy ass and move it. ;D


But it shouldn't be, because this is srs business.


Here, you can coin your own "YCM Policy". Once you have taken it, no one else can use that one.


Try not to include members in your policies... since flaming is fun prohibited.


Ahh, before I forget, you have to form your policy in the "lol" terms.


"lolmods + lolreligion is Dark's policy"


Make sure to post like that, in third person.


If you have a word that starts with l (life, for example), you do not double the l. It'd be "lolife", not "lollife" or "lolLife".




I'm too lazy to keep a track of all the policies in the first post.


Also, you can make a maximum of two. And "lolycm" may not be used by anyone. That's universal to the forum.


You may only have one plus sign in each policy, making it a maximum of four different lol phrases.


Dark's policy is: lolmods + lolreligion

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