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Muscian King-based Set

Stan Alda

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This set is built around "Musician King".


I can't really say I'm a metalhead, but I noticed that the Musician King was a pretty decent Fusion Monster--it uses two common monsters to produce a moderately powerful card. Of course, "moderately powerful" may not cut it on the higher echelons of gameplay, so I wrote a few cards to amp things up (pun intended). I have decided to make a few cards based around the Musician King, or at least around rock and roll.


The only reason they aren't totally finished is because I can't find any good pictures for some of them.


Without further ado, here is the METAL 4EVER Set: Alpha Version!


Amp of Ages:

Equip Spell

A "Musician King" equipped with this card increases its ATK by 750 and decreases its DEF by 300.


Guitar of the Gods:


Offer 1 "Musician King" on your side of the field to Special Summon 1 "Guitar God".


Guitar God



Warrior / Effect

This monster cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This monster can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Guitar of the Gods". (I might add another effect here, but this card seems pretty strong on its own...)



Death Metal Zombie




These mindless, zombie-like death metal fans slavishy follow various musicians.



Death Metal King



Warrior / Effect

This monster cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This monster can only be Special Summoned by offering 2 "Death Metal Zombie"s as Tributes.

(Like the Guitar God, I might give this another effect, but this guy may be too OP'd if I do.)



Impromptu Concert


Pay 1000 Life Points to summon one "Musician King" from your Extra Deck.


Sign of the Horns


Increase the ATK of 1 "Musician King" on your side of the field by 1000 for 1 turn. No other monsters on your side of the field can attack during that turn.


I have actually found pictures for a few, but most do not have pics, and I wasn't about to post the finished ones until the whole set was ready. Review, please.

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Amp of Ages:

Equip Spell

A "Musician King" equipped with this card increases its ATK by 750 and decreases its DEF by 300.


Make it at least 600' date=' if not more. It's not broken to level the playing field.[/b']


Guitar of the Gods:


Tribute 1 "Musician King" on your side of the field to Special Summon 1 "Guitar God".


Meh. Not much to say, except to ask where it's coming from (the hand, Deck, or Gravayard).


Guitar God



Warrior / Effect

This monster cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This monster can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Guitar of the Gods". This card's name is treated as "Musician King" while face-up on the field and in the Graveyard.



Could really use a boost from the added effect. Other than that, what does metal music represent? and from there, you can draw up an effect.


Death Metal Zombie




These mindless, zombie-like death metal fans slavishy follow various musicians.


Effect plz.


Death Metal King



Warrior / Effect

This monster cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This monster can only be Special Summoned by offering 2 "Death Metal Zombie"s as Tributes. This card's name is also treated as "Musician King" while on the field and in the Graveyard.



See Heavy Metal King, but more evil effects.


Impromptu Concert


Pay 1000 Life Points to summon one "Musician King" from your Extra Deck.


Can't believe I missed this. You should also get some Grave support up in here.


Sign of the Horns


Increase the ATK of 1 "Musician King" on your side of the field by 1000 for 1 turn. No other monsters on your side of the field can attack during that turn.


Seems reasonable.


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