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LOCK, noone seems to be bothered about Kingdom Hearts anymore.

Magnet Soldier

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It's three years after the happenings in the world that never was. The last of the nobodys have finally been vanquished. But, now the world has been plunged into eternal darkness. Destiny islands never Existed, Nor sora,kairi or riku. meaning the heartless have taken over. However there is a power that survived. a power that will never go out. Light. And with light comes the keyblade. 10 have been chosen from the realm of light. Ten from dark. Are you among ther ranks. chose your side and fight. One will take over while the other will vanish...







Bio: (2/3+ lines)

Element/main power:

Keyblade name and Appearance/description:

Person Appearance/description:

Team(light or dark):


[spoiler=my app]

name: Kristan clement


Age: 16

personality:dark,mysterious but kind to friends. merciless.

Bio: was an orphan at 3, he showed great talent with a blade, but nobody took no notice. he ran away at 9 to hone his skills and try to find friends and a family.he got some friends aswell as a keyblade,Oathbreaker. he was proud at first but the keyblade drew heartless and his friends were gone. now he roams the realm of darkness looking for the light.

Element/main power: dark and light/yin and yang

Keyblade name and Appearance/description:Oathbreaker. A black oathkeeper.

Person Appearance/description: [spoiler=appearence]65238748-Evil-warrior.jpg


Team(light or dark): light



-normal rping rules apply

-normal ycmaker rules apply

-no more than 2 elements.

-no more than 2 different keyblades.if you have 2 keyblades each key blade is as powerful as half A guy with 1 keyblade's keyblade.


[spoiler=theme tune] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOvgR_mWGco


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name:Jay (Jaden) Blue

Gender: Male


personality:Kind, caring, horrible temper and fierce when it comes to fighting to protect someone or something.


Element/main power:Wind, Twilight

Keyblade name and Appearance/description: able to use the Synch Blade ablility: Guardian Soul & Two across

Person Appearance/description:

Team(light or dark): Light


I'll do the rest soon, in a big rush.

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