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Smeargle's Spriting Club!


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Here, we do anything to do with sprites!


Even if you don't know how to sprite, ask me or anyone who does and we can teach you! We also talk about anything! But mostly spriting. ^_^

[spoiler=[b]Smeargle's Spriting Forum![/b]]





[spoiler=[b]RULES![/b]]1. No Flaming!

2. No Cursing!

3. No Spamming!

4. No Racism of any kind!

5. Do not say that this club is s***!

6. Minor Swearing is allowed!


8. DO NOT ARGUE WITH ME!! You will lose!




[spoiler=[b]Updates![/b]]Tuesday, 15 December, 2009

Smeargle's Spriting Club! Created.




[spoiler=[b]Entry Form![/b]]

[b]Two sprites you have edited/made (If you have made any):[/b] 
[b]What could improve this club?:[/b] 




[spoiler=[b]Members![/b]]Leader - Codey

Leader -


Co-Leader -

Co-Leader -


-Epic Members-


-Active Members-


-New Members-




-Unactive Members-



[spoiler=[b]Permissions![/b]]Leaders can do anything. Co-Leaders can do anything with the Leader's permission.




Don't ask to be Co-Leader/Leader. I will select you if I think you're suitable.




[spoiler=[b]Affiliates![/b]]None yet

[spoiler=[b]Affiliation Form![/b]]

[b]Name of the Club/Organisation:[/b] 
[b]Link to the Club/Organisation:[/b] 
[b]Leader(s) of the Club/Organisation:[/b] 
[b]What the Club/Organisation is about:[/b] 





[spoiler=[b]Banned/Warning List![/b]] None yet. Yay!








[spoiler=[b]Special Thanks![/b]]?The-Riddler? - For being the first member to join our club!




Please welcome our newest member(s), ?The Ridder? !


Hope you have a good time here![/align]

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Username/Name: Riddler, but you can call me Jigsaw

Two sprites you have edited/made (If you have made any):



What could improve this club?:

Well once you get more people involved, maybe host club sprite contests, or anything that the club can do involving sprites? I don't really know haha ^_^ Maybe put ranks (i know most clubs do that)

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[spoiler=PokéSplices][spoiler=Charphlosion (Charizard + Typhlosion)]untitled-8-1.png


[spoiler=Dragander (Charmander + Dragonite)]DraganderEDIT.png


[spoiler=Bronzion (Bronzor + Shieldon)]Bronzion.png


[spoiler=Cyndarisu (Cyndaquil + Pachirisu)]untitled1.png


[spoiler=Vulporichu (Vulpix + Pichu + Vaporeon]untitled-7.png


[spoiler=Bulbachu (Bulbasaur + Pikachu)]Bulbachu-1.png


[spoiler=Abrespyx (Abra + Espeon + Deoxys)]Abbrespyx.png


[spoiler=Goltrode (Golem + Electrode)]Goltrode.png


[spoiler=Rayxys (Rayquaza + Deoxys)]Raxys.png



[spoiler=Baltoink (Baltoy + Spoink)]Baltoink.png



[spoiler=Metaperior (Metagross + Rhyperior)]Metaperior.png




There they are. xD


They're old though.

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