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Winged Dragon of Ra

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Royal Decree Prevents Traps...Umm You would need it in this order...Horus Lvl 8 Jinzo and Destiny Hero Plasmus, you cant use skill drain b/c it affects everyone. Then Bring out a Prime Material and A Stardust. Prime Material Prevents infliction Damage and Stardust is the Negate jabroni, as I like to call him. You could build a lock down/Savior Star synchro Dragon deck off of thes cards but itd be incredibly difficult...I should know, I'm trying to do it.

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LOL, but then again If you built the deck correctly, It could be run so that no traps could be played regardless. And I have a solution for the its hard to summon thing. DNA TRANSPLANT the monsters to spellcaster however, in order to make it perfect yu should use Zombie World & Il Blud & Other Zombies but again encompassing all of the cards needed to build this DECK & RA is near impossible. ACTually, just use DNA Tranplant and Some Shallow Graves MUCH EASIER and It would Let get your monsters back. And instead of plasmus you can Skill Drain after you have these monsters on the field. BTW anybody know what Ra's effect is and what he will look like.

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I like the combo idea Mr. Wham' date=' but I would replace Jinzo with something else, since he doesn't let YOU play traps either. The only thing I can think of is Sorcerer of Dark Magic, but he's a PAIN to get out.



If your opponent can only use effectless monsters, you do not need traps.

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There are other uses for traps than effectless monsters. Blue Eyes is an effectless monster and if you add the trap Dragon's rage to it' date=' you now have a 3000 ATK dragon with piercing.


AND BTW, Ra = EPIC FAIL. In any scenario Ra=Epic Fail.



I was responding to the other guy saying that he would like to activate traps while he controls Horus, Jinzo and Plasma. If he does in fact control those three, then the only cards the opponent is effectively using are effectless monsters. If this is the case, then it makes no difference if the Jinzo controller cannot activate traps, since the only thing the opponent can do is attack. And those three monsters are not small either.

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Slifer better make up for what ra lost.


silfer might end up being the best out of all 3 now' date=' since he will basicly make it impossible to summon anything sort of JD or DAD since his effect kills 2000 or less monsters.



Depending on which effect you go by, it may actually kill DAD, since it has less than 2000 DEF.

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Slifer better make up for what ra lost.


silfer might end up being the best out of all 3 now' date=' since he will basicly make it impossible to summon anything sort of JD or DAD since his effect kills 2000 or less monsters.



Depending on which effect you go by, it may actually kill DAD, since it has less than 2000 DEF.


I thoughtthe effect was -2000 to whatever mode is was summoned in, and 0= destroyed.

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Slifer better make up for what ra lost.


silfer might end up being the best out of all 3 now' date=' since he will basicly make it impossible to summon anything sort of JD or DAD since his effect kills 2000 or less monsters.



Depending on which effect you go by, it may actually kill DAD, since it has less than 2000 DEF.


I thoughtthe effect was -2000 to whatever mode is was summoned in, and 0= destroyed.


Take a read through the different effects that it's had through the video games (which tends to change), Obelisk was based off of its WC09 incarnation.

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This version can too


No, it can't, which you would know if you had read the first bloody post of this thread, or the second bloody post of this thread, or any other bloody post of this thread because this entire bloody thread is dedicated to raging about how this bloody card can't be Special Summoned. How on earth could you have missed that? Are you blind? Are you dense? Are you retarded or something?

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Guest Merciful Idiot

I'm feeling freeeee to angerrrrrr youuuuuuuuu.


Anyway, this card is still useful for it can give you a monster with 7900 ATK (Plus more with LAM) if used with the right cards.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Considering this thread has been going on for what feels like a year, people tend to forget things that were posted at the FREAKIN' FIRST POST!!!! At least if they post frequently. And besides, the only point we keep coming to is that this card might have potential but it overall fails. We should stick to DR. OCTAGONAPUS!!!!! BLAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!

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This might be like a "phoenix mode" effect, they might plan to release a regular mode version of it as well; however, on the topic of this card, only in an infinite life points loop deck could I see this card getting run, otherwise it, well...


Yes, it is a real life Featherless Rooster, that is what this card equates too.

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