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Winged Dragon of Ra

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So yeah we all know Legal Ra is coming out, Shriek has an unconfirmed effect listed but I sadly have a feeling this is going to turn out to be true:


The Winged Dragon of Ra


This card cannot be Special Summoned. You must Tribute 3 monsters to Normal Summon this card (you cannot Set this card). The Normal Summon of this card cannot be negated. When this card is Normal Summoned, Spells, Traps and Effect Monster effects cannot be activated. When this card is Normal Summoned, you can Pay until you have 100 Life Points, and gain ATK equal to the amount paid. Pay 1000 Life Points to select 1 monster your opponent controls and destroy it.


Please discuss this pathetic failure of a card. And if you can't see why this is a pathetic failure of a card, I truly feel sorry for you.


Also, please let this not be the final effect...PLEASE.

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I don't see anything in there about it getting the combined ATK of the monsters Tributed for the Tribute Summon. Why is its ATK even ? when it will be zero if you don't pay all your Life Points to power it up - and its destruction effect costs enough Life Points that you can't use it if you paid unless you run Life Point gain cards?


And being unable to be Special Summoned seems inconsistent with the precedent set by legal!Obelisk.

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Wow, they missed the whole "add the ATK/DEF of the monsters used to summon it" effect, it also can't be special summoned, making it horrible even compared to Obelisk. Sad. I heard it's effect was going to be something like this:


"You must Tribute 3 monsters to Normal Summon this card (you cannot Set this card). The Normal Summon of this card cannot be negated. When this card is Normal Summoned, Spells, Traps, and Effect Monster effects cannot be activated. This card cannot be targeted by the effects of Spells, Traps or Effect Monsters. This card is sent to the Graveyard during the End Phase. When this card is Normal Summoned, it's ATK and DEF are equal to the combined total of the monsters used for it's Tribute Summon. When this card is Special Summoned, you can Pay until you have 100 Life Points, and gain ATK equal to the amount paid. Pay 1000 life points to select 1 monster your opponent controls and destroy it"


That's what I heard. If that were it's effect it wouldn't be completly useles...

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I don't see anything in there about it getting the combined ATK of the monsters Tributed for the Tribute Summon. Why is its ATK even ? when it will be zero if you don't pay all your Life Points to power it up - and its destruction effect costs enough Life Points that you can't use it if you paid unless you run Life Point gain cards?


And being unable to be Special Summoned seems inconsistent with the precedent set by legal!Obelisk.

In this case Crab Helmet, there is one monster

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even if they say the effect is confirm by the site, i don't think its real. if one thinks about it, Ra is the only one (so far) that could not be special summon from the graveyard in contrast to obelisk which you can, not to mention ra is not gaining ATK and DEF equal to the total of the 3 tribute monster's ATK and DEF. however if this is for real then Ra can only work on decks that help you gain LP since this card will make most use of it.


how exactly did they ruin this:S?


its only missing the "this card gains atk equal to the attack of the 3 monsters tributed"


and the only way of really being able to special summon this is callof the haunted


this card has decent potential it can still otk like a bauss


Ra cannot be special summon according what the "translation" is saying.

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