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YCM Inventors


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This is a place for people who like to make things can come and share their ideas. Hopefully several of us will have good drawing skills and can draw what we describe. Aside from that we help with Card sets and As some of you may know I have created an Inventor-Type that can be used when needed. Aside from this we hope to gather together several of the best card makers and GFXers in one place in a hope to eventually create a card set unlike any seen before.



1. All YCM rules apply

2. All off-topic conversations must be kept to a minimum. I will allow 1 off topic page for every 5 pages in the club.

3. Obey the leaders

4. If I serve you waffles, then you must eat them.

5. You must be 3 star or higher to join


The analyzer Le Createur

The Arcaneologist Nexev


[spoiler=Advanced Members]

The only way to become an Advanced member is to either be promoted by me or by being invited to the Club and bearing my Symbol as proof (which will be sent with the PM). Also if you win 5 of the Club sponsored contests.

The One that Conspires Fenrir

A Mythical Majora Raichu

Madness Master Deustodo

Shadow Stance Bösitige Zauberer

Yamaneko Clan Leader and Dark lord Zaneko

The Avenger Darklink401



Crazy Steampuck Machinist Opalmoon

The True Ninja Niashi Inumaki

One Of The Legendary Tigers Of YCM White Tiger (WT for short)


[spoiler= Member threads]

These threads are created by members of the YCM Inventor club. These threads are request only and there will only be 5 at a time.

Burning Treasure of the Lost King

Inventor's of YCM RP | Journey of the Hopeful



500 points donated by Me.

If anyone wishes to donate to the pot, it not only would be helpful but I will also make them a Normal Monster Member card. Ask around I make very good ones.









All 2 star or lower members will be automatically declined.

Best Idea/Card:
Notable Threads:


[spoiler=Affiliation form]

-name of Club

-Link to club

-Reason for affiliation



:.Gangsta Grillz:.™


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Name: Nexev

Title: Arcaneologist

Best Card made/ best RP Idea: [spoiler=War of lies] It's about two tribes, the sunchild and the moon tribe. The two tribes are pre Mesopotamian but have greek level technology because of their leaders are sick with a disease (non contagious and only transferable via an extremely rare from of mosquito) that makes them unable to move anything above their head but have dreams that guide them (it' a half prophet/half cerebral palsy sort of thing).


The sunchild are better than everyone (they just manage to be smarter and stronger) and have harsh laws the sunchild name is for how their glory is above all the others. The moon tribe has no laws besides rape, murder, and battery, thus it is a fairly chaotic town but many people are strangely happy, it's called moon tribe since the moon changes it's phases and is still the moon, this tribe is composed of many things and is still the same tribe.


The tribes had cultural differences but tolerated each other. Thenn two sunchild traders residing in a moon tribe village had their pockets picked by two kids. The kids were killed and the traders were thus sent to jail. The sunchild were infuriated and war was declared.


This war was all the more bloody due to a drug used in battle known as ghoul, ghoul gave you the ability to create illusions so convincing that you could be harmed by them (since our mind makes them real). It is worth noting that Ghoul is a drug that is very easy to alter and has many variations, however a large majority of Ghoul specializes in summoning illusions of creature. The illusion beasts can be fought but usually only a seer (a person has developed Ghoul resistance that prevents him from taking Ghoul but his attacks are more harmful to illusionist monsters and their attack are less damaging and convincing) or another illusion beast can deal enough damage to make the illusion beast disappear. The slaughter was only halted thank to an extremist group called Bringers of Oblivion. They stole a shipment of ghoul from each side and used it in a massive overdose to send both sides in the illusion of death. They died from overdoes and the future Byzantines destroyed the ruins.


However thousands of years later, a time capsule was discovered by deserters from Alexander's crusade. A Bringer of Oblivion named Chiaroscuro hid the capsule so the tribes won't be forgotten. Using a special form of ghoul in the canister, the two soldiers hallucinated the story of the tribes.


Wanting to use ghoul to conquer all the two went back to Greece to start their conquest. However they each wanted all the power for themselves and thus started fighting. Thus starting another war between two Ghoul users, the Nightfall family and the Brotherhood of the Dawn. The brotherhood are a religious group that is dedicated to lead the world into "The light of truth" of course since they create illusions it's clearly doublethink (like in 1984, basically they are hypocrites yet they themselves are unaware of the hypocrisy). The Nightfall family are more of a shadowy group, increasing funds through normal crime, they make no pretense of being the good guys, they only care about profit and the path they take, be it the path to heaven or hell is to them simply the path with the most gold.



Donation to Club Card set: Advice, use Magic the gathering artwork. I can help with that since I play the game. My ocg is to bad for me to make a card.



Can I be a leader? :D

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Actually yes.


Bisector cards.


They are monsters that when you complete a certain goal you can sacrifice them to special summon monsters who's sum equals the Bisector monster.


In addition one of the monsters, and one only, must be an anchor, anchors have special effects that activate when Bisect summoned.


It's the exact opposite of synchros.

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Anchor is basically the reverse of a synchro? You tribute 1 monster and gain 2, but those monsters are weaker than the original monster correct?

Bisectors can only be Summoned under certain conditions, and when tributed you can Special Summon a monster who level is equal to or less than the tributed Bisector monster, right?

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A bisector is a rather weak monster.


If they perform a feat you can sacrifice them to get monsters who's sum of levels is equal to the bisector's.


One has to be an anchor who are exceptionally powerful for thier stars.


Anchors go in your extra deck so you can't summon them any other way. In addition when a Bisector is tributed for a bisect summon they give the anchor a special ability.


It's a bit like level cards but give you many different options.

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Name: Fenrir (I'm getting a revert to that. :/)

Title: The One that Conspires

Best Card made/ best RP Idea: You see that link in my sig? The one under the deathclaw quote? Click that.

Donation to Club Card set: I was going to suggest MTG artwork, but Nexev took that. Damn you. To be honest, I can't think of anything else.


Nexev can vouch for me. =/

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Well that sounds good, I'm good with with words. So if you give me a plot then I can either

1. Turn it into an RP

2. Type up a fan-fic using the plot

3. Get my friend to help me turn it into an animated series and post it on Newgrounds/Youtube. (15% chance of happening right now).

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Name: Bagon46

Title: A mythical

Best Card made/ best RP Idea:


IMG= Alcander



This card can only be Tribute Summoned by tributing 1 Machine- Type monster. Once per turn, you can discard 1 Spell or Trap card from your hand to destroy 1 Spell or Trap card on the field or You can discard a Spell or Trap card to have this card gain 500 ATK until the End Phase. This card is unaffected by the effects of Quick-Play Spell Cards and Trap Cards. If you activate this cards effect this card cannot attack this turn. If this card is destroyed by battle Special Summon 1 "Heavy Mecha Dinosaur" from your hand.



[spoiler=RP idea]

I don't do RP's



Donation to Club Card set:(Image code of card only please, no longer accepting advice). In a min.

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Name: Opal

Title: Crazy Steampunk Machinist

Best Card made/ best RP Idea:


Old: 66229y.jpg

[spoiler=Lore]If there are less than 10 cards in your Graveyard, this card is destroyed. This card can only attack a monster with a higher Level and/or ATK. During your Battle Phase, you can activate one of the following effects:

-If the attacked monster has a higher Level than this card, switch the Levels of both cards. This card gains 400 ATK and DEF for every higher Level it reaches.

-If the attacked monster has a higher ATK than this card, switch the ATK and DEF of this card until the end of this turn.

-If the attacked monster has a higher Level and ATK than this card, remove it from play and inflict 1000 damage to your opponent's Life Points.

-At the end of the turn that one of this card's effects is activated, this card and all the cards you control with a lower Level than this card are destroyed. If all the destroyed cards are WIND monsters, inflict damage to your opponent's Life Points equal to the number of monsters you control which are destroyed by this effect x500.



Recent: 66229.jpg


This card can only be activated if there are at least 2 face-up monsters that have "Dimensional Rift - Century Travel" in their effect on your field and 10 or more cards in your Graveyard. When this card is activated, destroy all the monsters on your field. For every monster with "Dimensional Rift - Century Travel" in its effect that is destroyed by this card's effect, you can Special Summon 1 Century Token (EARTH/Psychic/Level 1/100 ATK/200 DEF) on your field. These Tokens cannot be used for a Tribute Summoning. During your next Standby Phase, destroy the Century Tokens (if they are still on your field). By paying 2000 Life Points you can Special Summon as many monsters with "Dimensional Rift - Century Travel" in their effect as possible from your Graveyard. The monsters Special Summoned by this card's effect are destroyed 3 turns after their Special Summoning.





RP Idea: Chronicles of Phaldoria but it's on my computer at home.D: Won't be there until next week... And it was never a RP, just some ideas/world construction.

Donation to Club Card set: 66229.jpg

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Name: Deus

Title: Madness Master

[spoiler=Best Card made]



This card is also treated as a Beast-Type. This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned with "Chaos Zone". This card cannot attack in the turn it is Special SUmmoned. This card is unaffected by Monster, Spell and Trap Cards Effects. This card cannot be destroyed by battle while "Chaos Zone" is activated. As long as you control this card, you cannot Summon a Chaos Monster. Increases this card's ATK by 1000 during each of your Stanby Phase (This effect is disactivated when this card's ATK reach 6000). This card cannot attack unless you Tribute 1 Beast-Type monster you control. When this attack your opponent directly, the Battle Damage this card inflict is halved. When your opponent activate a Spell or Trap Card, you can toss a coin and call it. If you call it right, negate the effect and destroy that card, if you call it wrong, inflict 500 damage to your Life Points. Once per turn, during your Draw Phase, if you have 5 cards in your hand, return all cards from your Graveyard and hand to your Deck, shuffle your Deck, and draw 5 cards. If your opponent would win the Duel by "Exodia, The Forbbiden One" Effect, remove all cards from your opponent's hand from play.




Donation to Club Card set:



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