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Pimp Purple Pokemonz Club[Duel to Rule DISC]


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I advanced a little more this morning....

Platinum Report:

Badges: 6

Ubication: Snowpoint City


My team:

Daisy - Golduck - Level 40

Batman - Gliscor - Level 39

Psylocke - Gardevoir - Level 39

Manbat - Crobat - Level 39

Shaiera - Staraptor - Level 41

Perrito - Houndoom - Level 39


In PC:

Bibarel - Level 28 (Rock Smash - Strenght - Cut - Rock Climb)

Beautifly - Level 16 (Defog)

Sneasel - Level 34

Grotle - Level 27



@Eury: Isnt the one on the page good enough¿?

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Shiny Gold Team:

Same, but I've got Lv32 Skarmory instead of Lv26 Scizor.



Lv8 Piplup XD



(all 70)








In PC: Pineco - Arceus. Mhm.


@Dae: I don't trust recommendations on any kind of wikia. =/

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Hey guys' date=' when you get the ability to pick one of the Hoen starts, who is going to pick what?


Me, of course, is going to pick Mudkip



What game and how do I get the extra starter?


HG/SS I forgot how you get them. I believe Steven gives one to you in Pewter City. However, I'm not entirely sure.

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Hey guys' date=' when you get the ability to pick one of the Hoen starts, who is going to pick what?


Me, of course, is going to pick Mudkip



What game and how do I get the extra starter?


HG/SS I forgot how you get them. I believe Steven gives one to you in Pewter City. However, I'm not entirely sure.


Also Oak Gives you a starter from Kanto


My choice would be

Cyndaquil - Bulbasaur - Mudkip

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Totally Totodile and Charmander

So i'll try to teach someone an electric type move and drop toxicroak since i actually don't use her. If i've gotta drop 2 fire types i guess it'll be blaziken magmortar, even though i do love constantly switching between exploud and maggy to spam hyper beam. (I beat the elite four like that lol) I'm thinking about adding a magnezone and maybe porygon-Z to the team, good idea?

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