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Pimp Purple Pokemonz Club[Duel to Rule DISC]


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You can also go to sixprizes.com


It's a site ran by 2 friends that have gone to several tournaments and came close to topping each time. I found out about them on youtube while looking up how to play and their site really helped me.


EDIT: They also have their own online league.

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I was just invited to this site. It's pretty much a blend of yugioh/pokemon and other stuff. We ought to spread the PPP over there.


Also, I wish I knew about the Pokemon TCG, but I never learned how to play. I think I tried, but I just liked Yugioh more and went with that.



and so, the first step for Kuriboh was to make a discussion, what shall the next step be? Cards that work well with him???


But I do know how to do the video games. I'm incredible there.

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Also' date=' I wish I knew about the Pokemon TCG, but I never learned how to play. I think I tried, but I just liked Yugioh more and went with that.



and so, the first step for Kuriboh was to make a discussion, what shall the next step be? Cards that work well with him???



1. Go to the official Poke'mon site and read the rule book. Then go to youtube and watch some matches or whatever else you feel like seeing. Then check out sixprizes.com


2. Are we doing a Chaos control deck with him or not?

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Also' date=' wtf....

[spoiler=Gengar is']



[spoiler=so freakin']










(pic isn't showing, it's a level X gengar that kills any other level X.)


lol, I know they're cheap. I'm just getting back into Poke'mon and Psychics seem to be my playstyle. I'm thinking some Bannette/Gengar build or something.

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I'm just getting back into Poke'mon and Psychics seem to be my playstyle. I'm thinking some Bannette/Gengar build or something.

Having a Pure Psychic deck is terrible.

Almost EVERY SINGLE FREAKIN' PSYCHIC TYPE will easily get plowed over by any Normal Pokemon. Since heaven forbid a Psychic-Type can hit higher then 30 :/


Run Fighting along with Psychic-Types.

Or, run something like Water in combination with it.


Water Pokemon tend to have a lower energy cost, and can hit fairly high at the same time.

Psychic-Types are better, in combination with other types.

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Neo Genesis was the equivilent of Invasion of Chaos.


Prove me wrong' date=' I dare you.



Becuase of this




OT: When I played I used Psychics along my waters...

Good for Control.....While I hitted with Lapras/Blastoise and the shizz...Also I was able to build my old deck in the gameboy TCG game.

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Neo Genesis was the equivilent of Invasion of Chaos.


Prove me wrong' date=' I dare you.



Becuase of this




OT: When I played I used Psychics along my waters...

Good for Control.....While I hitted with Lapras/Blastoise and the shizz...Also I was able to build my old deck in the gameboy TCG game.


I have that Vaporeon. =3

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Dilloz' date=' how good would you say fire and fighting types are?


Fire tend to be a bit meh-ish

Half the time, they do random "LOL UR BURN'D!!!11" effects, and the other time they do stuff like Flamethrower, which costs energys.


Fires are a bit costly with energy IMO


Fighting types are just simple, and just hit hard. Really, you just add like 1-3 energys on some random Fighting guy, and he can hit like constant 30 to 50s. Fightings tend to be basic like that, which also makes them good.


I have that Vaporeon. =3

So do I :3

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Hey look an affiliation request! =3


Vaporeon is one of the few Pokemon cards I have. D:


I think the only pkmn cards i ever had were a krabby, haunter, pikachu and some Generation 1-2 basic pokemon.


Does there happen to be a ban/limit list for pokemon TCG? If so, i can't find it. I need major tips like what a good deck is in the TCG, and whatnot.

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