Holy R. Enigma Posted December 13, 2009 Report Share Posted December 13, 2009 The Radical Andromeda Scryers has been roaming the universe for along time but all they are getting is shunned by everyone they ask for help, but they decided to take action and decided to strike back at the people who has shunned them. The Radical Andromeda Scryers is leaded by High Warlord Omega, and he is attacking the one place that the people in space would least suspect Planet Earth. High Warlord Omega, has been hiding something horrible in his past and when it is found out the whole world will fear the day they shunned High Warlord Omega. There is to be said, that High Warlord Omega has 2 daughters one is named Zeta, and the other is named Julie but no one realizes that Dark Warrior Zeta is really his daughter in a disguise of a male outfit.[spoiler=Radical Andromeda Scryer Set][spoiler=Warrior-Type Monsters]High Warlord Omega (Dark)Level 6 Type: Warrior/EffectEffect: When you Normal Summon this card successfully, you can Special Summon 1 Warrior type monster from your Deck, Hand or Graveyard by discarding 1 Spell or Trap card from your Hand. When this card is on the field of battle, your opponent cannot declare an attack on other Warrior Type Monsters, if a Warrior-Type monster is targeted by a destruction effect discard 1 Spell or Trap Card from your Hand. The Warrior-Type monsters Special Summoned has to be level 4 or lower to be Special Summoned onto the field. ATK: 2400DEF: 1500 Dark Warrior Zeta (Dark)Level 4 Type: Warrior/EffectEffect: When this card is Special Summoned successfully, increase the attack of all Warrior-Type monsters by 500 points. During your Standby phase, you may look at your opponent’s hand and his deck if your opponent has no Warrior-Type monsters he takes 1000 Life Points of Damage, but if he has Warrior-Type monsters he gains 1000 Life Points. ATK: 1500DEF: 1200 Light Warrior Delta (Light)Level 4 Type: Warrior/EffectEffect: When this card is Special Summoned successfully, you and your opponent can draw 2 cards during every Draw Phase after this card was summoned. This card’s ATK and DEF points increase by 100 points for every card in both players’ hands. ATK: 900DEF: 700 Light Warrior Gamma (Light)Level 4 Type: Warrior/EffectEffect: When this card is Special Summoned successfully, both players gain 1000 Life Points per card in their Hand. If this card attacks your opponent directly, both Players must discard 2 cards from their hand. ATK: 1900DEF: 1200 Warlord Alpha (Light)Level 8 Type: WarriorFlavored Text: I am the Alpha to the Omega, that is leading our race to ruin. We were shunned because of the massive mechanical race we saved from annihilation at the hands of a dominate virus named Circle of Destruction. This mechanical race is named Scryer and they accept the help and given us complete control of their weapons and AI systems so we can lead them to destroy the creator of the Circle of Destruction Virus. ATK: 3000DEF: 2500 [spoiler=Scryer Monsters]Scryer Alpha One (Light)Level 8 Type: Machine/EffectEffect: When this card is Normal Summoned successfully, you may return all Monster Card's to both player's Hands besides this card. This card cannot attack your opponent directly, both player's Life Points is increased by 200 Points per Level of the monsters returned by this card's effect. ATK: 2900DEF: 1800 Scryer Beta Two (Light)Level 6 Type: Machine/EffectEffect: When this card is Normal Summoned successfully, you may Special Summon 1 Warrior Type Monster that is Level 5 or below on the field. After this card is Normal Summoned successfully, this card's ATK and DEF is doubled permanently, this card cannot attack your opponent directly. ATK: 1200DEF: 900 Scryer Gamma Three (Light)Level 4 Type: Machine/EffectEffect: When this card is Normal Summoned successfully, you may draw 1 card per every Machine-Type monster on your side of the field. This card cannot attack your opponent directly. ATK: 1900DEF: 1200 Scryer Delta Four (Light)Level 2 Type: Machine/EffectEffect: When this card is Normal Summoned successfully, you may attack your opponent's Life Points directly per your Standby Phase with this card. When this card successfully attacks your opponent directly, your opponent draws 1 card. ATK: 800DEF: 300 Scryer Torpedo Battle Cruiser (Light)Level 8 Type: Machine/EffectEffect: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by sending a monster with "Scryer" in its name that is equipped with Scryer Torpedo Launchers. This card's ATK and DEF points becomes whatever monster you sacrificed in this card's summoned. When this card attacks your opponent directly, you must pay 1000 Life Points per Direct Attack. ATK: ?DEF: ? Scryer Wormhole Entity Monster (Light)Level 5 Type: Beast/EffectEffect: When this card is Normal Summoned successfully, this card becomes a Machine type monster as well as Beast type monster. Once per turn, you can Special Summon 1 "Scryer" named monster from your Deck or Graveyard in Face-Up attack position it must be Level 4 or Lower. You and Your opponent's Life Points increase by 1000 Life Points per Level of the Special Summoned Monster. ATK: 2200DEF: 1200 Scryer Mine Layer (Light)Level 4 Type: Machine/EffectEffect: When this card is Normal Summoned successfully, you may place 2 Minefield tokens on your opponent's field making these two places unusable, these tokens cannot be used for a Sacrifice or Tribute of any kind. If the Minefield tokens is destroyed by the player who used the effect to place the Minefield tokens, your opponent loses 500 Life Points per destroyed Minefield Token. (Minefield Token/LIGHT/Machine/Level 1/ATK: 200/DEF: 500) ATK: 1900DEF: 2000 Scryer Space Station (Light)Level 10 Type: Machine/EffectEffect: When this card is Normal Summoned successfully, you may Special Summon 1 “Scryer” monster from your Hand or Graveyard that is Level 8 or lower. Both players lose 500 Life Points equal to the level of the monster Special Summoned. This card cannot attack your opponent directly. ATK: 3750DEF: 2400 Scryer Holocaust Missile (Light)Level 7 Type: Machine/EffectEffect: When this card is Normal Summoned successfully, both players must discard their hands. This card gains 500 ATK and DEF points for every “Scryer” monster in your Graveyard. During your turn, you can place 1 Explosion token on every monster on your opponent’s side of field. All monsters with Explosion tokens on them lose 500 ATK and DEF points also they cannot switch battle positions. ATK: 1200DEF: 1400 Scryer Automated Turret (Light)Level 3 Type: Machine/EffectEffect: When this card is Special Summoned successfully, you may Special Summon 1 “Scryer Automated Turret” on the field. You must pay 1000 Life Points to double the ATK and DEF of this monster, if you do this card cannot attack your opponent directly. ATK: 1200DEF: 400 Scryer Automated Shield Wall (Light)Level 6 Type: Machine/EffectEffect: When this card is Special Summoned successfully, you may Special Summon 1 “Scryer” monster from your Hand or Deck that is equal or lower level of this card. If this card is destroyed, you may pay 500 Life Points to Special Summon 1 Level 6 or Lower monster from your Hand or Deck expect for “Scryer Automated Shield Wall.” ATK: 0DEF: 3000 Scryer Automated World Ship (Light)Level 12 Type: Machine/Ritual/EffectEffect: This monster can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card, “Scryer Automated Construction Yard”. When this card is Ritual Summoned successfully, you may draw 2 cards from your Deck. If any of the cards you drawn are “Scryer” monsters you can Special summon them on the Field in Defensive position. This card cannot attack your opponent directly if there is any face up “Scryer” monsters on your side of the Field. ATK: 4500DEF: 3500 Scryer Warrior Construction Vessel (Light)Level 7 Type: Machine/EffectEffect: This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Scryer Automated Rejuvenation Chambers". This card gains the effect of the selected Warrior-Type monster that you picked by "Scryer Automated Rejuvenation Chambers". This card cannot be selected by Monster, Trap and Spell Destruction Effects. ATK: 2100DEF: 2500 Scryer Stealth Bomber (Light)Level 6 Type: Machine/EffectEffect: When this card is Special Summoned successfully, you may discard 1 card from your hand to discard 1 card from your opponent's hand. If the discard card from your opponent's hand, is a Machine-type monster increase his life points by 500 per Level of the discarded monster. ATK: 2300DEF: 1450 Scryer Stealth Fighter (Light)Level 6 Type: Machine/EffectEffect: When this card is Special Summoned successfully, you may discard 1 card from your hand to discard 1 card from your opponent's hand. If the discard card from your opponent's hand, is a Dragon-Type monster all Dragon-Type monsters on the field is destroyed. ATK: 2250DEF: 1400 Scryer Laser Cannon (Light)Level 5 Type: Machine/EffectEffect: When this card is Special Summoned successfully, you may discard 1 card from your hand to discard 1 card from your opponent's hand. If the discard card from your opponent's hand is a Warrior-Type monster decrease his Life Points by the Total ATK points of the discarded monster. ATK: 2150DEF: 1320 Scryer Automated Laser Shield Wall (Light)Level 10 Type: Machine/EffectEffect: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing "Scryer Stealth Bomber", "Scryer Stealth Fighter", and "Scryer Laser Cannon from the game. When this card is Special Summoned successfully you may discard 2 cards from your hand to discard 2 cards from your opponent's hand. If the discard card from your opponent's hand is a Spellcaster-Type monster, your opponent may Special Summon 1 Spellcaster-Type monster from his Deck to the Field, also if the discard card is a Zombie-Type monster your opponent's Life Points becomes equal with your Life Points. ATK: 3250DEF: 3500 [spoiler=Scryer Fusions]Legendary Scryer Immuned Tactical Warship (Light)Level 12 Machine/Fusion/EffectScryer Alpha One + Scryer Space Station + Scryer Automated World Ship This monster cannot be Special Summoned except by Fusion Summon. When this card is successfully summoned, you may Special Summon 2 Level 8 or lower Scryer monsters from your Hand or Deck. This card cannot be destroyed by effect of Spellcaster-Type monsters, and it is unaffected by Spell Cards. ATK: 5000DEF: 5000 [spoiler=The Circle of Machine Destruction - Spellcaster-Type Monsters]Circle Master Omega (Dark) Level 8 Type: Spellcaster/EffectEffect: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Removing 1 “High Warlord Omega” and 1 “Dark Warrior Zeta” from the game. When this card is summoned successfully all “Scryer” monsters are destroyed and both players Life Points are decreased by 500 points per “Scryer” monster destroyed. ATK: 2800DEF: 2600 Circle Witch Zeta (Dark)Level 6 Type: Spellcaster/EffectEffect: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Removing 1 “Dark Warrior Zeta” and 1 “High Warlord Omega” from the game. When this card is summoned successfully all Spellcaster-Type monsters gain 800 ATK and DEF points. ATK: 2000DEF: 1200 Circle Magi Julie (Dark)Level 4 Type: Spellcaster/EffectEffect: When this card is Normal Summoned successfully, you must discard 1 Machine-Type monster from your Hand to Special Summon 1 Spellcaster-Type monster from your Deck or Hand. If this card is destroyed by battle, you send this card to the Top of your Deck, and then your Deck is then shuffled. ATK: 1800DEF: 1300 [spoiler=Spell]Dark Omen – Zeta SwordEquip Spell CardThis card can only be Equipped to a “Dark Warrior Zeta.” All Warrior-Type monsters gain 500 ATK points on top of the attack boost of Dark Warrior Zeta, as well you can search your opponent’s hand and deck for Warrior-Type monsters if he doesn’t have any he takes another 1000 Life Points of damage, if he does have any Warrior-Type monsters he gains 1000 Life Points. If Dark Warrior Zeta is attacked and this card is equipped to it, destroy this card instead. Radical Andromeda SyndromeContinuous Spell CardWhen this card is activated, you may discard 1 Trap Card from your hand, all monster cards on the field have their attribute and their type changed to the most dominate monster type on the field. Radical Andromeda Syndrome cannot be destroyed by a Spell Card Effect. Radical Andromeda Syndrome turns all monster cards into DARK Attributed Warrior-Type monsters, "Light Warrior Delta" isn't affected by this effect. Scryer Reconstruction ModuleEquip Spell CardYou pay 700 Life Points, to Special Summon 1 monster with "Scryer" in its name from the Graveyard. If this card is destroyed, the monster Special Summoned with this effect is destroyed as well. Scryer Radar ScanNormal Spell CardWhen this card is activated, all monsters on your opponent's side of the field is flipped face-up in face-up defensive position, all flip effects will be activated after this card is done with its activation. Your opponent's Life Points is increased by 500 points for every Flip Effect Monster on his side of the Field. Scryer Upgrade ModuleQuick Play Spell CardYou can only activate this card, when you have "Scryer Delta Four" on the field face-up in attack mode. You can send "Scryer Delta Four" into the Graveyard and Special Summon "Scryer Gamma Three" onto the field, its effect is replaced with "Scryer Delta Four's Effect," for the turn this card is activated. Scryer Torpedo LaunchersEquip Spell CardYou can only equip this card to a monster with "Scryer" in its name. This card allows your equipped monster to attack your opponent's Life Points directly at the cost of 1000 Life Points. Scryer Alert SignalQuick-Play Spell CardThis card can only be activated when your opponent has activated an effect to switch your monster's positions from ATK to DEF, this card negates the effect and your opponent must sacrifice 1 Monster on his side of the field. Scryer Ancient Wormhole GateField Spell CardWhen this card is activated, you may Special Summon 1 "Scryer" named monster onto the field by discarding 1 Spell or Trap Card from your hand. All Scryer named monsters attack and defensive points increase by 500 points. If this card is destroyed by an effect of any nature, any "Scryer Wormhole Entity Monsters" on the field is destroyed and you and your opponent loses 1000 Life Points per Entity Monster destroyed. Scryer Ambush Tactical FieldField Spell CardWhen this card is activated, all of your opponent's monsters is flipped face-down in defensive position. All Scryer named monsters ATK and DEF increase by 1000 points and they can pierce through defense. Your opponent cannot activate any Trap or Spell Cards during this card's activation. If your opponent doesn't want you to attack his monsters he must Pay 1000 Life Points to negate the effect of this card during its 1st turn of activation, if your opponent does this you have to wait till your next turn to use this card's effect. Scryer Extra Mine Attachment ModuleEquip Spell CardThis card can only be equipped to the Scryer Mine Layer. When this card is equipped to Scryer Mine Layer, the Mine Layer can lay 1 extra Minefield Token on your opponent's side of the field per End Phase. The Mine Layer's DEF is increased by 500 points and is switched to Defensive position after it is equipped. Scryer Rejuvenation Docking PadsEquip Spell CardThis card can only be equipped to “Scryer Space Station.” When this card is equipped to the designated card, it goes in Defensive Position, and the ATK and DEF points are switched. During Both Player’s standby phases “Scryer Space Station” gains 200 DEF points. Scryer Plan BContinuous Spell CardThis card can only be activated if you have no “Scryer” monsters on the field. You can Special Summon up to 5 “Scryer” monsters onto the field in Face-Up Defensive position, if this card is destroyed by an effect of some kind. Both players lose their entire Hand and Field and all cards go into the Graveyard and cannot be picked by any effect that regards the Graveyard. Scryer Automated Construction YardRitual Spell CardThis card can only be used to Ritual Summon “Scryer Automated World Ship”. You must also Tribute monsters from the field or your hand whose total Levels equal the Level of the Ritual Monster you are attempting to Ritual Summon. Scryer Automated Dimensional WaveNormal Spell CardThis card can only be activated if your side of the field has 5 “Scryer” monsters face-up on the field. Your opponent must remove from play 5 monsters from his Graveyard and his Life Points increase by 1000 per Level of the removed. Scryer Automated Tracking SensorsContinuous Spell CardThis card can only be activated if you have “Scryer Automated World Ship” on your side of the field. Both players must show their hands, if “Scryer Automated World Ship” is destroyed this card is destroyed as well. Both players’ Life Points increase by 500 points per card in their hand. Scryer Automated Targeting ModuleContinuous Spell CardThis card can only be activated during your opponent's Battle Phase, you must pay 500 Life Points when you do all "Scryer" monsters get to attack before your opponent chooses his attack targets. If any monsters were destroyed, the damage step is skipped. Note: Meaning, no Battle Damage is entered in. Scryer Automated Rejuvenation ChambersQuick-Play Spell CardThis card can only be activated when a Warrior-Type monster is sent from the field to the Graveyard. The Warrior-Type monster is turned into a "Scryer Warrior Construction Vessel" and continues to fight. Circle Master’s Enchantment RingEquip Spell CardThis card can only be equipped on “Circle Master Omega”. When this card is equipped all “Scryer” monsters cannot be Normal Summoned, Special Summoned or Set. “Circle Master Omega’s” ATK and DEF are increased by 500 points. During each of your End Phases you can place 1 Dark Meteor Token on 1 monster on your opponent’s side of the field. (Dark Meteor Tokens decreases monsters ATK points by 200, but increases its defense by 500 points.) Note: Dark Meteor Tokens can be placed on Monsters a maximum of their “Total” ATK power. Julie’s Storm StaffEquip Spell CardThis card can only be equipped to “Circle Magi Julie”. This card increases the ATK points by 500. This card also gives “Circle Magi Julie” this effect.*If “Circle Magi Julie” conducts battle with a Machine-Type monster, and the monster is destroyed if the Machine-Type monster had higher ATK or DEF points over “Circle Magi Julie” the Damage Step is skipped and “Circle Magi Julie” is not destroyed. Zeta's Silk Mage RobeEquip Spell CardThis card can only be equipped to "Circle Witch Zeta". This card increases the DEF points by 500. Once per turn, you can discard 1 Machine-Type monster to destroy 1 monster on your opponent's field. [spoiler=Trap]Scryer Self-DestructCounter Trap CardWhen your opponent activates a Card that targets a monster with "Scryer" in its name, you destroy your monster and you deal Life Point damage to Half of the ATK points of the Destroyed monster. Scryer Defensive Battle PlanCounter Trap CardThis card can only be activated when 1 “Scryer” monster is destroyed in battle or by an effect. You must pay 1000 Life Points to Special Summon the destroyed monster onto the field in Face-Up Defensive Position. Your opponent’s Battle Phase is negated after the activation of this card. Scryer Automated Dark LockContinuous Trap CardWhen this card is activated, all monsters of the DARK attribute cannot attack or be attacked by “Scryer” monsters. Both players must discard 1 Spell or Trap card during their Standby phase to keep this effect in affect. Scryer Automated Engage LockCounter Trap CardWhen this card is activated, Both Player's monster field is placed in lock down for 3 turns. Both player's monsters is placed in face-up defensive position, after the 3rd turn has ended you can switch positions. Scryer Automated Revival LockContinuous Trap CardWhen this card is activated Select 1 "Scryer" monster from your Graveyard and Special Summon it in face-up Defensive Position. When this card is removed from the field, destroy the monster. When the monster is destroyed, destroy this card. Both players gain 500 Life Points for every turn "Scryer Automated Revival Lock" has been active. Circle of Destruction VirusContinuous Trap CardWhen this card is activated, any “Machine-Type Monsters” on the field is placed in Defensive Position and lose 500 ATK and DEF points per your end phase. If this card is destroyed all Machine-Type monsters is destroyed with this card. Both Players Life Points increase by 500 points per both players end phase, as long as this card wasn’t destroyed. [spoiler=Radical Andromeda Scryer Set In Order][spoiler=Radical Andromeda Scryer]High Warlord Omega - RAS-000Dark Warrior Zeta - RAS-001Light Warrior Delta - RAS-002Dark Omen – Zeta Sword - RAS-003Radical Andromeda Syndrome - RAS-004Scryer Alpha One - RAS-005Scryer Beta Two - RAS-006Scryer Gamma Three - RAS-007Scryer Delta Four - RAS-008Scryer Self-Destruct - RAS-009Scryer Reconstruction Module - RAS-010Scryer Radar Scan - RAS-011Scryer Upgrade Module - RAS-012Scryer Torpedo Launchers - RAS-013Scryer Torpedo Battle Cruiser - RAS-014Scryer Alert Signal - RAS-015Scryer Wormhole Entity Monster - RAS-016Scryer Ancient Wormhole Gate - RAS-017Scryer Ambush Tactical Field - RAS-018Scryer Mine Layer - RAS-019Scryer Extra Mine Attachment Module - RAS-020Scryer Space Station - RAS-021Scryer Defensive Battle Plan - RAS-022Scryer Rejuvenation Docking Pads - RAS-023Scryer Holocaust Missile - RAS-024Scryer Plan B - RAS-025Scryer Automated Dark Lock - RAS-026Scryer Automated Turret - RAS-027Scryer Automated Shield Wall - RAS-028Scryer Automated World Ship - RAS-029Scryer Automated Construction Yard - RAS-030Scryer Automated Dimensional Wave - RAS-031Scryer Automated Tracking Sensors - RAS-032Scryer Automated Engage Lock - RAS-033Scryer Automated Revival Lock - RAS-034Warlord Alpha - RAS-035Circle Master Omega - RAS-036Circle Master's Enchantment Ring - RAS-037Circle Witch Zeta - RAS-038Circle of Destruction Virus - RAS-039Circle Magi Julie - RAS-040Julie's Storm Staff - RAS-041Zeta's Silk Mage Robe - RAS-042Scryer Stealth Bomber - RAS-043Scryer Stealth Fighter - RAS-044Scryer Laser Cannon - RAS-045Scryer Automated Laser Shield Wall - RAS-046Legendary Scryer Immuned Tactical Warship - RAS-047 [spoiler=Rarities]RAS-000 - Secret RareRAS-001 - Ultra RareRAS-002 - RareRAS-003 - CommonRAS-004 - CommonRAS-005 - Super RareRAS-006 - CommonRAS-007 - CommonRAS-008 - RareRAS-009 - CommonRAS-010 - CommonRAS-011 - RareRAS-012 - CommonRAS-013 - Ultimate Rare/RareRAS-014 - Super RareRAS-015 - CommonRAS-016 - CommonRAS-017 - CommonRAS-018 - CommonRAS-019 - Ultra RareRAS-020 - CommonRAS-021 - RareRAS-022 - CommonRAS-023 - CommonRAS-024 - CommonRAS-025 - CommonRAS-026 - CommonRAS-027 - Secret RareRAS-028 - Super RareRAS-029 - Ultra RareRAS-030 - CommonRAS-031 - RareRAS-032 - CommonRAS-033 - CommonRAS-034 - Ultra RareRAS-035 - CommonRAS-036 - RareRAS-037 - CommonRAS-038 - CommonRAS-039 - CommonRAS-040 - CommonRAS-041 - CommonRAS-042 - CommonRAS-043 - CommonRAS-044 - Parallel Rare/RareRAS-045 - CommonRAS-046 - CommonRAS-047 - Ghost Rare/Secret Rare I am making this much more 'nicer.' 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OnSlaUghT Posted December 14, 2009 Report Share Posted December 14, 2009 Your OCG sucks, even for the old one.I'll fix it and also attempt to balance it. High Warlord Omega (Dark)Level 6 Type: Warrior/EffectEffect: When this card is Normal Summoned, you can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Warrior-Type monster from your Deck, Hand or Graveyard by discarding 1 Spell or Trap card. While this card is face-up on the field, your opponent cannot attack any other Warrior-Type monsters you control. If a Warrior-Type monster would be destroyed by a card effect, you can negate 1 Spell or Trap card to negate the card effect an destroy it. ATK: 2400DEF: 1500 Dark Warrior Zeta (Dark)Level 4 Type: Warrior/EffectEffect: When this card is Special Summoned, increase the ATK of all other Warrior-Type monsters on the field by 600 points. During your Standby phase, you can look at your opponent’s hand by paying 500 Life Points. If they have no Warrior-Type monsters, inflict 1000 points of damage to your opponent. ATK: 1500DEF: 1200 Light Warrior Delta (Light)Level 4 Type: Warrior/EffectEffect: When this card is Special Summoned, both players draw 2 more cards during their next Draw Phase. Increase the ATK and DEF of this card by 200 for every card in your opponent's hand. ATK: 500DEF: 700 Dark Omen – Zeta SwordEquip Spell CardEquip only to a "Dark Warrior Zeta" you control. Increase the ATK of all Warrior-Type monsters you control by 500. If your opponent takes effect damage by the effect of a "Dark Warrior Zeta" you control, inflict 1000 damage to your opponent. If the equipped monster would be destroyed, destroy this card instead. Radical Andromeda SyndromeContinuous Spell CardDiscard 1 Trap Card from your hand. Change the Attribute and Type of all monsters on the field to DARK Warrior-Type. "Light Warrior Delta" isn't affected by this effect.This card cannot be destroyed a Spell Card. Scryer Alpha One (Light)Level 8 Type: Machine/EffectEffect: When this card is Normal Summoned, return all other monsters on the field to their respective owner's Hand, and increase both player's Life Points equal the total Levels of the monsters returned x200. This card cannot attack your opponent directly. ATK: 2900DEF: 1800 Scryer Beta Two (Light)Level 6 Type: Machine/EffectEffect: When this card is Normal Summoned, you can Special Summon 1 Level 5 or lower Warrior Type Monster from your Deck. During your Main Phase, you can double the ATK of this card. This card cannot attack your opponent directly. ATK: 1200DEF: 900 Scryer Gamma Three (Light)Level 4 Type: Machine/EffectEffect: When this card is Normal Summoned successfully, draw 1 card for each Machine-Type monster you control. This card cannot attack your opponent directly. ATK: 1800DEF: 1200 Scryer Delta Four (Light)Level 2 Type: Machine/EffectEffect: This card can attack you opponent directly. When this card inflicts damage to your opponent, your opponent draws 1 card. ATK: 1500DEF: 300 Scryer Self-DestructCounter Trap CardActivate only when a "Scryer" monster you control is targeted by the effect of a card your opponent controls. Negate that effect and destroy the targeted "Scryer". Then, inflict damage to your opponent equal to half the ATK of the destroyed monster. Scryer Reconstruction ModuleEquip Spell CardPay 800 Life Points. Special Summon 1 "Scryer" monster from your Graveyard. When this card is removed from the field, destroy the equipped monster. Scryer Radar ScanNormal Spell CardFlip all monsters your opponent controls face-up. Increase your Life Points by 500 for every monster on the Field. Scryer Upgrade ModuleQuick Play Spell CardSend 1 face-up Attack postion "Scryer Delta Four" you control to the Graveyard and Special Summon "Scryer Gamma Three" onto the field. It's effect is treated as the tributed monster's effect. Scryer Torpedo LaunchersEquip Spell CardYou can only equip this card to a "Scryer" monster. It can attack your opponent directly. Each time the equipped monster declarea a direct attack, take 1000 damage. Scryer Torpedo Battle Cruiser (Light)Level 8 Type: Machine/EffectEffect: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by sending a "Scryer" monster that is equipped with "Scryer Torpedo Launchers" to the Graveyard. This card ATK is treated as the ATK of the tributed monster. When this card attacks your opponent directly, take 1000 damage. ATK: ?DEF: ? Scryer Alert SignalQuick-Play Spell CardActivate only when your opponent's card effect would switch the battle postion of a monster you control. Negate the cad effec and destroy a monster your opponent controls. Scryer Wormhole Entity Monster (Light)Level 5 Type: Beast/EffectEffect: This card is also treated as a Machine-Type monster. Once per turn, you can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower "Scryer" monster from your Deck or Graveyard in face-up Attack Position. Increase both player's Life Points by the Level of the Summoned monster x1000. ATK: 2200DEF: 1200 Scryer Ancient Wormhole GateField Spell CardDiscard 1 Spell or Trap card. Special Summon 1 "Scryer" monster from your Hand or Graveyard. Increase the ATK and Def of all "Scryer" monsters on the field by 500. If this card is destroyed by a card effect, all "Scryer Wormhole Entity" monsters on the field are destroyed and both players take 1000 damage for each destroyed monster. Scryer Ambush Tactical FieldField Spell CardFlip all face-up monsters your opponent controls face-down. Increase the ATK and DEF of all "Scryer" monsters on the field by 1000. When a "Scryer" monster attacks a Defense Position monster whose DEF is lower than the ATK of the "Scryer" monster, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent. Scryer Mine Layer (Light)Level 4 Type: Machine/EffectEffect: When this card is Normal Summoned, place 2 "Minefield Token"(LIGHT/Machine-Type/Level 1/ATK 200/DEF 500) on your opponent's side of the field. The tokens cannot be sent the Graveyard, except by battle. The tokens cannot declare an attack.ATK: 1600DEF: 2000 Damn that took long Link to comment
Holy R. Enigma Posted December 14, 2009 Author Report Share Posted December 14, 2009 Um.. Had a reason in behind in making Light Warrior Delta way stronger than it is supposed to be? Yes I know it has an effect that "gives" you and your opponent 2 extra cards per Draw Phase but giving it 200 etc attack points kind a makes it unbalanced. Though your version of my card is weaker but it'll be STRONGER. 12 cards x 100 = 1200 ATK and DEF. (My Version)12 cards x 200 = 2400 ATK and DEF. (Your Version)This is if both players have a total of 6 cards in their hands. My Version:900 + 1200 = 2100 ATK700 + 1200 = 1900 DEF Your version:500 + 2400 = 2900 ATK700 + 2400 = 3100 DEF That is way stronger see? It'll be a slight unfair advantage don't you think.Delta isn't supposed to be a hard hitting monster. Link to comment
Holy R. Enigma Posted December 14, 2009 Author Report Share Posted December 14, 2009 I have added a lot of cards to this Set. Warrior-Type Monsters gained 1 card.Scryer Monsters gained 5 cards.Spell Cards gained 5 cards.Trap Cards gained 4 cards. Also you can look at the newly added cards in their "exact" area. Link to comment
OnSlaUghT Posted December 15, 2009 Report Share Posted December 15, 2009 WRONG! Light warrior only gains from opponent's hand in my version. so the maximum atk is 1700 provided they have 6 cards, that's barely strong. Also, more fixes: Light Warrior Gamma (Light)Level 3 Type: Warrior/TunerEffect: When this card is Special Summoned, both players gain 500 Life Points for every card in their respective Hands. When this card inflicts Battle Damage by a direct attack, ramdonly select 2 cards in you opponent's hand, and 1 card in our Hand, and send them to the Graveyard. Then both players draw 1 card. ATK: 1600DEF: 1000 Scryer Space Station (Light)Level 10 Type: Machine/EffectEffect: When this card is Normal Summoned, Special Summon 1 Level 8 or lower “Scryer” monster from your Hand or Graveyard, and both players take damage equal to it's Level x 500. This card cannot attack your opponent directly. ATK: 3750DEF: 2400 Scryer Holocaust Missile (Light)Level 7 Type: Machine/EffectEffect: When this card is Normal Summoned, both players must discard their hands. This card gains 400 ATK and DEF for every “Scryer” monster in your Graveyard. Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can place 1 Explosion token on each monster your opponent controls. All monsters with Explosion tokens on them lose 500 ATK and DEF points and cannot switch battle positions. ATK: 1200DEF: 1400 Scryer Automated Turret (Light)Level 3 Type: Machine/EffectEffect: When this card is Special Summoned, you can Special Summon 1 “Scryer Automated Turret”. You can pay 1000 Life Points to double the ATK and DEF of a “Scryer Automated Turret” you control. If you do, this card cannot attack your opponent directly. ATK: 1200DEF: 400 Scryer Automated Shield Wall This was good Scryer Automated World Ship Again, done well. Just edit the last sentence so it does not include itself in his attack negation effect Scryer Extra Mine Attachment Module This also was done well, just remember, it's not defensive position Scryer Rejuvenation Docking PadsSame as above Scryer Plan BSpell CardThis card can only be activated if you have no “Scryer” monsters on the field. Pay 1000 Life Points, Special Summon up to 5 “Scryer” monsters onto the field in Face-Up Defense position. Their effects are negated, and they cannot attack directly.(putting "you can" on a spell card is redundant) Scryer Automated Construction Yard No changes were necessary Scryer Automated Dimensional Wave Just change it from 1000 life point to 500 and change ot to damage Scryer Automated Tracking Sensors I'm seeing some OCG errors, but if you just look at what i posted, you'll notice the problems Scryer Defensive Battle PlanCounter Trap CardThis card can only be activated when 1 “Scryer” monster is destroyed in battle or by a card effect. Pay 1000 Life Points and Special Summon the destroyed monster onto the field in face-up Defense Position. Your opponent’s Battle Phase is negated after the activation of this card. Scryer Automated Dark Lock what purpose does this serve for the Scryers? Scryer Automated Engage LockContinous Trap CardActivate only while you control a face-up "Scryer" monster. All Face-up Attack Position monsters on the field are switched to Defense Position. No monsters can be Summoned and Battle Positions cannot be changed. Destroy this card on the 3rd Standby Phase after activation. Scryer Automated Revival Lock None was needed I see you're improving Link to comment
Holy R. Enigma Posted December 15, 2009 Author Report Share Posted December 15, 2009 These cards isn't for Synchro food. I hate Tuner/Synchro Cards Altogether. Scryer Automated Dark Lock is a UBER Stall card, to the least. Mainly a Jam type card. I specifically say I hate them a lot, just because of that one lame ass dragon that can keep on bringin' himself back by negating a dang effect... Stardust Dragon. Even if I wanted to make a Synchro "Scryer" Monster I wouldn't.. Just because I despise them so much. Link to comment
OnSlaUghT Posted December 15, 2009 Report Share Posted December 15, 2009 These cards isn't for Synchro food. I hate Tuner/Synchro Cards Altogether. Scryer Automated Dark Lock is a UBER Stall card' date=' to the least. Mainly a Jam type card. I specifically say I hate them a lot, just because of that one lame ass dragon that can keep on bringin' himself back by negating a dang effect... Stardust Dragon. Even if I wanted to make a Synchro "Scryer" Monster I wouldn't.. Just because I despise them so much.[/quote'] I only made 1 tuner, and that was light warrior gamma, and only because his effect is exactly like airbellum Link to comment
Holy R. Enigma Posted December 15, 2009 Author Report Share Posted December 15, 2009 I don't really care, for monsters with the exact same effect, if they are Tuner monsters they can go to hell. Though I am releasing 3 other cards.. (I released my first Vanilla Warrior Monster) >.> Stupid lag... The Spoilers is up again and the new 3 cards is up. Link to comment
OnSlaUghT Posted December 15, 2009 Report Share Posted December 15, 2009 More fixes: Scryer Warrior Construction Vessel (Light)Level 7 Type: Machine/EffectEffect: This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Scryer Automated Rejuvenation Chambers". This card gains the effect of the selected Warrior-Type monster that you picked by "Scryer Automated Rejuvenation Chambers". This card cannot be destroyed by Monster, Trap and Spell Effects. ATK: 2100DEF: 2500 Scryer Automated Rejuvenation ChambersQuick-Play Spell CardThis card can only be activated when a Warrior-Type monster is sent from the field to the Graveyard during the Battle Phase. Special Summon the destroyed monster in Attack Position. The Summoned monster must battle this turn if possible. Link to comment
Holy R. Enigma Posted December 15, 2009 Author Report Share Posted December 15, 2009 The Newest Cards in this set is "The Circle of Machine Destruction" and 1 Trap and 1 Spell card with those cards. Also I have edited, the lore behind the Radical Andromeda Scryers Set more or less like a Back story. >.> I have added Julie's Storm Staff. Link to comment
Holy R. Enigma Posted December 19, 2009 Author Report Share Posted December 19, 2009 I have put them in order, this is a bump brought you by Holy R. Enigma. In a sense, now you can see the Order Hierarchy of this set now, with it being in 'Order.' Link to comment
Holy R. Enigma Posted December 20, 2009 Author Report Share Posted December 20, 2009 Zeta's Silk Mage Robe has been released, it will make her day completely. Link to comment
Holy R. Enigma Posted December 20, 2009 Author Report Share Posted December 20, 2009 I have added two more "Scryer" monsters. An Archetype if you can say it. The Stealth Fighter and Bomber. Added Scryer Laser Cannon and the Scryer Automated Laser Shield Wall. Link to comment
Holy R. Enigma Posted December 22, 2009 Author Report Share Posted December 22, 2009 I have 48 Cards in this set now, and Also I have created the First Scryer Fusion, the Legendary Scryer Tactical Warship. If it was released it would be a Ghost Rare, or Ultra Rare. Link to comment
Holy R. Enigma Posted December 29, 2009 Author Report Share Posted December 29, 2009 Thy self bumps this topic from subsection. lawl. Link to comment
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