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The Darkness Army of Tomorow

Yaden Yuki

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Ok this Organization is started by me for us to Rule


Our Song is from

Artist: Voltaire

Song: When You'Re Evil


Important-Must have this in sig Its my Badge thats the Proof you are Loyal to me




Rank 1-10

Evil Minion

Rank 11-15


Rank 16-20

Darkness Right Hand

Rank 21-25

Darkness King

Hall Of Hounors:(Rank 25 Only)

Yaden Yuki(Rank 25)

Wicket (Rank 25)


You get rank ups from me and the captains everytime you make a good card or do something good for the club.


Rules Of The Academy:

1.You are not allowed to post cards here without my permission anyone who does will get neg rep Or be Reported (Except Club members)

2.You are only allowed to post cards that are Asked from you not just any card

you like.(Except Club Members who joined and posted their card)

3.No Swearing,scamming,spamming and all.(like Cool club)(Nice place)(seems Cool)(NONE OF THAT)

4.I will choose my staff if they join do not go PMing me i wanna be Staff in You academy PMS

5.Any cards taught to you here and made by someone that works here are not allowed to be used by you without the one who made the card's permission without giving credit to him.


Card rating!:

-Post a balanced card here and we will rate it for you!



-You have to Be activate at least once every week on this place


Card Making:

-Too Lazy to make a Card ...Request 1 and it will be posted for 1 point!



Yaden Yuki - Master

Gladiator Beast Twilight - Captain(Rank 5)

Wicket - Captain(Rank 25)



sonictheweasel (Rank 3)

HMNISGwahahaha (Rank 3)

tallman95 (Rank 1)

The Man2007 (Rank 2)

pokeboy (Rank 1)

haris (Rank 6)

kid (Rank 1)

Yami Cookie1145 (Rank 11)

Elsandero (Rank 16 )

Byakuya_Remixed (Rank 9)

GXduelist (Rank 11)

the-champion #1 (Rank 1)

university222 (Rank 10)

dannystfu9898 (Rank 13)

God Kaiba (Rank 1)

uzumakinaruto93 (Rank 1)


All the Credits of this Club goes to GXDuelist this is his work


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Some cards




















''Blue Eyes White Dragon'' + ''Crystal Seer''

This card cannot be Special Summoned expect by Fusion Summon. Once per turn by paying 1000 Life Points, you may pick up 2 cards from the top of your deck. If one of the picked up cards is an monster card, your opponent discards 1 card. Then return the monster card to your deck and shuffle it. If both of the picked up cards are monster cards, inflict 1000 points of damage to your opponents Life Points. Then return both of the picked up cards to your deck and shuffle it.


When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, it's removed from play. This card gains it's effect after it's been Special Summoned from the RFP Zone. Once per turn, you may select 1 card from your hand and remove it from play. This card gains the effect by the type of the removed card.

*Monster Card: Remove 1 Monster Card from your hand from play. Inflict Effect Damage to your opponent equal to the removed cards ATK points.

*Spell Card: Remove 1 Spell Card from play from your hand to add 1 Spell Card from your Deck to your hand.

Trap Card: Discard 1 Trap card to activate 1 Trap Card from your RFP Zone.

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