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Colonel is overrated.






Colonel gets less love than Protoman.


I know that' date=' but still. Colonel is still overrated.



I still don't see your point. =/


Besides, he dies. That makes him insta-cool.


Gyroman dies. So is he InstaCool?


He's only cool because he's a transformer.


thats bull we all know that RockForte kicks everyone's ass XD

so RockForte > everyone else



I mean come on by the end of the final series he has absorbed so many things he has to be total kickass.


He absorbed Gospel, s'all good.

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Colonel is overrated.






Colonel gets less love than Protoman.


I know that' date=' but still. Colonel is still overrated.



I still don't see your point. =/


Besides, he dies. That makes him insta-cool.


Gyroman dies. So is he InstaCool?


He's only cool because he's a transformer.



I loled.

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Colonel is overrated.






Colonel gets less love than Protoman.


I know that' date=' but still. Colonel is still overrated.



I still don't see your point. =/


Besides, he dies. That makes him insta-cool.


Gyroman dies. So is he InstaCool?


He's only cool because he's a transformer.



I loled.


So Optimus Prime Net Navi would be cool?

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Colonel is overrated.






Colonel gets less love than Protoman.


I know that' date=' but still. Colonel is still overrated.



I still don't see your point. =/


Besides, he dies. That makes him insta-cool.


Gyroman dies. So is he InstaCool?


He's only cool because he's a transformer.



I loled.


So Optimus Prime Net Navi would be cool?


Hell yes.

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