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P.E.T Club {Megaman Fans Unite!}Selling For 600 points see club for more info


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[spoiler=P.E.T~by Legend Zero][spoiler=order form]Orders should be PM'd to me in case I overlook it. I will need

1:Navi's symbol

2:Animated Navi sprite or Here for awsome EXE.

3: (optional) color of PET

price is now 1+rep

[spoiler=Serenade example(TAKEN)]9lg7pt.gif


[spoiler=recolors~by Haseo]

[spoiler=Halloween/Robot Megaman]29lojrs.png






[spoiler= Orange PET(small)]15xmkpg.png


[spoiler=battle chip examples]1)provide battle chip image

2)battle chip damage max 4 characters

3)battle chip letter

5)battle chip description

plz PM me orders

EXAMPLE:2qx3xoz.jpg(will look better purposely save as JPG)


these can be used as Navis for club Rps




[spoiler=Warned]will show warning level



[spoiler=Banned]will show banned time




No in club wars,I will handle the situation if its club related

No constant vulgar language if you are gonna use it plz filter it with *

No going off topic for more than 7 posts we dont wanna get locked

All YCM rules[/align]


About the club

The P.E.T Club is where you share your megaman animations that you can contribute to the club. You can also talk about megaman the series or online forums please dont advertise without approval!









Legend Zero-Operator(lv20)2l5do5.jpg[spoiler=badges]


Fenrir-P.E.T(lv8 )2hzu0ig.jpg[spoiler=badges]


Dark Spine Sonic-P.E.T(lv5)2hzu0ig.jpg[spoiler=badges]




Marsuvees Black-P.E.T(lv2)2hzu0ig.jpg[spoiler=badges]


Chant-P.E.T(lv4)2hzu0ig.jpg [spoiler=badges]


train rides by-P.E.T(lv4)2hzu0ig.jpg [spoiler=badges]


Chaos Zero-P.E.T(lv5)2hzu0ig.jpg









Pokefan5678 -P.E.T(lv2)2hzu0ig.jpg



Rusty Shovel-P.E.T(Lv2)2hzu0ig.jpg







[spoiler=gaining levels]Making sprite animations,sprites,being active,entering club competitions and sometimes I give out levels for being kind to others




[spoiler=P.E.T Club Awards 2009-2010] Since the club was made late in the year we will hold our club awards from December 2009-January 4,2009 and results will be posted on the 10th

please PM me your votes and without further ado our categories:

Best Member:

Best Official Club Rp:

Most Active Member:

6 Members that should be in the new club council:(then we will have speeches from each one to finalize it with one more round of voting only 3 will be chosen out of the six)


not many to choose from for now but as 2010 moves along I will hold the next P.E.T Club Awards with more categories with our new found club council.


[spoiler=Club Council]The Following can accept/decline new members via PM(meaning sign-up sheet is Pm'ed to him/her),take my place while I am gone,if they are to take in votes from that category they will accept votes

Will be chosen after 09-10 awards the council will change every year


[spoiler=Club Badges]Club badges symbolize different things and you can earn badges by completing certain conditions and of course the badges are Haseo's recolors if you can collect a badge it will be added to your "profile" and once you have (an undetermined amount) recolor badges you will recieve: A reserved place in the council 2reps from me and 2reps from Haseo







When and if you buy this club you will be allowed to merge it with your remake. Conditions are that you provide the link to the original Club. I hope your version will be just as successful.You may change whatever you want but you may not use any of MY banners and you cannot force any of the original members to join your remake.Please post that you are willing to buy it first come first serve rule applies.[/align]

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you guys are accepted I boosted your levels for being the first3 to join! KWLegend you make cards so your job is to make member cards (you can make your own style or make it for another member of the club) Haseo you make recolors and splices( you can start anytime) Legend Zero your P.E.Ts will be protected by the club(just asking are they gonna have animated navis in them?)

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