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Tag Preformance Review.

Brendano Harns

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Hey Fuzzie! I think I should come back commenting on some of people's work and yours is first!

First all of them are very messy meaning you brushed to much and you shouldn't use brushes all the time. Try to use some c4d. Also the messy parts of it will take focus of the render which should be the main focus. Simple, but good for a starter. Keep trying!!!!!!!

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The one with Mew is my favorite :3 followed by the one with Glow Moss' baby form who's name I forget :P


He made that one for me :3 XD and the one with the slime :3


Fuzzie they're good you just need some work on your brushes and it seems that your sigs get darker and darker, try to make the render visible :3

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