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[FireRed Hack] Official Pokémon YCM Thread


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He's saying that Flareon sucks.


I'm saying that I don't care' date=' the CPU isn't smart enough to play competitively anyway.


Brushfire' date=' I demand the story be sent to me so I may make it 10x better.



Still waiting hoe.


Don't have one. I'm gunna make it up as I go along, it's a Pokemon game after all.

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Which town do you reside in: SXR Island

What you want your character to say: Man, what're you doing here? They lettin' nubs in here now?

What you want your team to be (no Sinnoh or Legends): Gengar, Starmie, Fearow, Rapidash (You decide the levels)

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Can I write one? Please =[


Please do' date= keep to the current one too though. =]


Ok, I'll try going through the royalties in the order you provided.


Can I make Cyber Altair awesome?


Check Plot, Towns & Royalty then.


And... sure, but don't big yourself up too much. I intended to put something in there noting our Altair and Brushfire were the one's who got Multimedia Town created. ;)

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Awesome Idea! This is a Creative and Cool Idea ^_^


Which town do you reside in: Role-Play Village

What you want your character to say: "Even If I Win Or Lose,You'll still know me as a legend."

Losing Phase: "Hmph.Nice Job."

What you want your team to be:

Manectric,Growlithe,Jolteon,Lucario,Umbreon,Ampharos (You Decide the levels ^_^)

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Can I write one? Please =[


Please do' date= keep to the current one too though. =]


Ok, I'll try going through the royalties in the order you provided.


Can I make Cyber Altair awesome?


Check Plot, Towns & Royalty then.


And... sure, but don't big yourself up too much. I intended to put something in there noting our Altair and Brushfire were the one's who got Multimedia Town created. ;)


yay me.

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What are you going to do about trade evolutions? Im just asking because i really like using alakazam. Is it possible to capture all non sinnoh pokemon including staters? Will there be new original pokemon added or new sprites for some pokemon like a custom awesome face koffing?

I know this is going to be so good when it is released

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When will we be seeing an Aplha or Beta?


I am getting eager to try this :D


Well' date=' lets see... without the new Gym, we could probably have an Alpha in about a week- that goes up to the first Gym.






Ruby bullied me. D:

Plus I was an Admin there so I guess it only makes sense.


I won't write that many specific names so Sam will chose who to put in.


Summed it up, and thanks. I'll choose who will be important later on.

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Can i suggest two more areas?


The card graveyard

I field with gravestones which have the names of former YCM members and missed pokemon. Has a tomb in the middle which gives access to a dungen where it may be possible to catch celebi or giratina if hes put in. Can also have lavender tower instead of dungen.

Pokemon in the wild: Dark, Ghost and poisen types

Typical trainer: moureners and goths or emos, also mediums.


YCM HFIL (Dragonball z reference)

This is were all trollz, banned members and bad card ideas go. It would have the same template as the sevii island hot spring dungen. It would be possible to catch moltres or groudon down there. Able to be accessed thorugh a volcano or hot spring or the bottem floor of graveyard dungen.

Pokemon in the wild: Fire, ground, rock, steel and zubats.

Typical trainer: Banned member or trollz.

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