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Time Travellers [Advanced] [PG-16] [Started/Accepting]


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OoC: WHy is nobody posting? Also, if you want to know what this sounds like, go to the link...not the best preformance of it I've seen, but it's the best i can find on youtube:



IC: Matthew looked at him. "A few hours. Anyway, get ready. We're invading today. Let me do the talking, 'kay? I know a bit of latin." He hummed Cunti simus under his breath. He hoped Cuncti simus would be enough to impress Ceasar.

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OoC: Okay...I'm moveing on. Good luck to everybody who's not following this rp.


IC: "Let's get to the palace. Follow me, but don't not too closely untill we enter the walls." Matthew stood up, and strode off into the village. He walked three large circles around the palace walls, bought a unleaved flat bread from a vendor, then walked another cirlce. Finally, started chatting with the gaurd in rapid latin. The gaurd left for the vendor he had bought the bread from. He slipped into though the gates, and greeted all who he came by in latin. He reached the other side of the building, and waited for the others.

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