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Supernatural: Revenge of Lucifer [Accepting] [Not Started] [M 15+]


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[align=center]Hello all, and welcome to: "The Supernatural Roleplay". Below, you will find information about this RolePlay, and then after reading it, you can submit your own Application form so that we can get started!


[spoiler=Plot]Lucifer, otherwise known as Satan, or the devil, was sent to hell for one simple reason. He loved god too much. Now, he wants revenge. Not to God or the plant he created, but every living thing on that planet, so now, he wants the evil semi-devil, Xuzhu, to destroy the 66 seals, and bring Lucifer back.


100 Years after the Apocolypse and Sam & Deans death, the Demon's have risen again. Across all of Minosota, your first project lies. You have to defeat the demons, before Lucifer can rise again. America has not only been taken over by Demons, but by all Supernatural creatures. Ghosts, Poltergeists, Witches, Vampires, Zombies and more. The leader of the demons, Lilith, has also come back to life. Everyone has reason to believe that Sam and Dean are back, and are residing somewhere in Minosota. Can you find them and stop the Apocolypse from happening? The fate of the world rests in your hands.



[spoiler=Rules]1. All posts must include 6 lines of characters or more.

2. No OOC Only posts.

3. No Godmodding/power-playing.

4. You can only have 1 weapon at a time.

5. Password is "S&D" (This must be included in your application)



[spoiler=Application]Name: (This is set in America, so use American names.)

Roleplay Age: (Have to be atleast 19)


Appearance: (Cannot be pictures. Please have atleast 5-6 Lines or 4-5 Sentences. [You can use a tek-tek avatar if you are from a different country])

Personality: (Please have atleast 4-5 Lines or 3-4 Sentences)

Weapon: (Gun or Knife)



[spoiler=Characters]Dragon Imray - Scarlet James


Name: Scarlet James

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Appearance: She is fairly short, being only 4"11, and has long, crimson hair that comes down to her Tail Bone. Her eyes are usually red, but when she is angry, her eyes turn a deep blue colour. She has a very small nose like a rodent, but her mouth is large enough for the corners of her mouth to reach up to her noce when she smiles. Her arms a shorter then most, as they only come down to her waist. She is a little more curved then most people, and she has lightly tanned skin. Most of the time, she wears a Black T-Shirt, but whenever it gets cold she wears a long, v-neck sweater. She almost always wears her black skinny jeans, but sometimes wears denim short-shorts whenever it is in the middle of summer.

Personality: She isn't a shy girl, and she is always excited to meet new people. Whenever she does meet someone new, she will almost immediately talk to them. She can always tell if a demon is a demon, and has never failed to kill one for the 8 years that she has been hunting. She can get angry fairly easily, but she balances out her anger with the times of when she is happy.

Weapon: Gun - Pistol



Kuro no Keiyakushu















Dark Lightning






[spoiler=Current Task (Please Read)]December 20th

Just last week, a local newspaper reported a strange death. A man got killed in his home, the only evidence left was a half eaten biscuit laying next to the man, and a piece of paper underneath with the words:

You didn't spread joy to the world doing your job. You were always greedy, so now it's my turn.

We want you to track down the murderer, find out what the riddle means, and get rid of the body.


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People from other countries can't do it so easily.


Imagine you're studying Spanish, presuming you don't know the language, what if your teacher gives you an assignment to write a paragraph description on an elephant?


It wouldn't be so easy, mind you.


I can type a paragraph appearance easy, I don't mind it in the slightest. But if someone from a different country can't do this so easily, I'd bend the app to help this person out.

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Name: Jarred

Roleplay Age: 23

Gender: M

Appearance: http://media.photobucket.com/image/psychic+anime+guy/Jasuchin/RP%20Characters/Guys/Cyan.jpg?o=6

Personality: A Troublemaker. He is usually a goof off but sometimes at random moments will become extremely deep and serious. He doesn't seem like one to think before he acts, but he does. People often misjudge him

Weapon: Knife


So I guess I reserve...

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