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FHD Support

Lightning Bagon

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Dragon Cave

Field Spell

All monsters in both players deck, hand and field are treated as Dragon- Type monsters.


[spoiler=Bagon46 FHD Support]

1 Headed Dragon

[4] WIND


All LIGHT monsters cannot attack.

ATK: 1000

DEF: 1700



[spoiler='Genma no Ou' FHD support]

Seven-Headed Dragon


Level: 12


The Fusion Material Monsters for this card are any 7 Dragon-type monsters, including at least 2 Level 8 or higher monsters. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Fusion Summon. This card cannot be destroyed by battle for by Monster Cards' Effects.

ATK/ 7500

DEF/ 6000



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Dragon Cave

Field Spell

All monsters in both players deck' date=' hand and field are treated as Dragon- Type monsters.


[b']That's a bit much... I'd go with hand, field and Graveyard personally. More useful with Mirror anyway.[/b]


One-Headed Dragon

[4] WIND


LIGHT monsters cannot attack.

ATK: 1000

DEF: 1700


JD says this thing can go to hell, along with many other cards. But, it is Masked-able, so I guess it works out.


This reminds me of an old card idea I had. I'd be happy to post it if you wanted. As for these, 8/10.

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Sure' date=' and if you had a FHD and 1 Headed Dragon FHD couldn't be attacked



Two things about that: 1) Yes they could, it just wouldn't do anything, and 2) they'd likely just attack One-Headed.


Try this:



Seven-Headed Dragon


Level: 12


The Fusion Material Monsters for this card are any 7 Dragon-type monsters, including at least 2 Level 8 or higher monsters. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Fusion Summon. This card cannot be destroyed by battle for by Monster Cards' Effects.

ATK/ 7500

DEF/ 6000




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