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The Gaming Terminal | We are psycic! | Peanuts included


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Welcome to The Gaming Terminal!

Welcome to The Gaming Terminal!


We here are all about the games! Anything to do with games and consoles we have it here! We also have all the general talk of YCM under this one thread. Why no join? Fun is just round the corner. Plus you get peanuts!


[spoiler=Members][align=center]Leader:†GT Snow


Super Mod(s):


Advance Gamers:


†GT Supercardman101


†GT Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's

†GT Silver the Hedgehog

†GT pikapi02 [/align]


[spoiler=Banners]We are lonely of banners



[spoiler=Our Gaming Awards]Coming Soon!



[spoiler=Our Friends!]None.


[b]Club Name[/b]:



Fill this out to Join:

[b]Club User[/b]:†GT
[b]Reason for joining[/b]:

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