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Option Zero [6/???]


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[align=center]This is an Archetype me and Lopunny are working on together. Option Zero is pretty much about making your opponents Deck size 0 :D.



|Option Zero - Loss Gauntlet|0||Warrior/Tuner/Effect|Light|3||1400|800|This card cannot be Special Summoned from your hand or Deck. When this card destroys a Level 4 or higher monster by battle, your opponent discards the bottom 2 cards of their Deck to the Graveyard.|


|Option Zero - Buster Gunsman|0||Warrior/Synchro/Effect|Light|7||2300|2100|"Option Zero - Loss Gauntlet" + 1 non-Tuner monsters

Once per turn, you can pay 700 Life Points to discard the top 5 cards of your opponent's Deck to the Graveyard.|


|Option Zero - Chaos Fighter|0||Warrior/Effect|Dark|4||1800|1200|This card cannot be Special Summoned. When this card destroys a Warrior-Type monster by battle your opponent discards the top 2 cards of there Deck.|


|Option Zero - Chaos Wing|0||Winged Beast/Gemini|Dark|3||1600|1000|This card is treated as a Normal Monster while on the field and in the Graveyard. You can Normal Summon this card to have it treated as an Effect Monster with the following effect:

- During each fo your End Phaes you can pay 500 Life Points to ahve your opponent discard the top 3 cards from their Deck.|


[spoiler=Trap Cards]

|Battle Aftershocks|0||Trap Card|Trap|||||When your opponent discards 5 or more cards from their Deck to the Graveyard in 1 turn, activate this card. Your opponent discards cards equal to the number of cards they discarded this turn halved rounded down.|


[spoiler=Spell Cards]

|Dismissed Shadow|0||Spell Card|Spell||Equip|||This card can only be equipped to a "Option Zero" monster you control. When your opponent discards a DARK monster by the effect of the equipped monster, your opponent discards the top card of their Deck to the Graveyard. When the equipped monster is destroyed, your opponent discards cards equal to the Level of the equipped monster.|


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One thing, Buster Gunsman's effect as is, is way overpowered. b/c you can activate it's ability as many times as you want as long as you have LP, so you can just give up LP and your opponent would basically have to discard their entire deck and then lose the next turn. If you make it once per turn, that should balance it. Overall, a very good Deck Burn archetype. 9/10

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