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Maybe Another Card to Practice.


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An Equip Spell Card.


Prototype Wing Blaster

[Equip Spell Card]

This card can only be equipped to a Winged Beast-Type monster. The equipped monster cannot attack a Level 3 or lower monster. During your Main Phase 1 select and activate 1 of the following effects: - Select 1 Counter Trap Card in your Graveyard and return it to your hand. - Select 1 monster you control and remove it from play. The equipped monster gains 300 ATK. - Select 1 monster your opponent controls. That monster cannot be destroyed by battle during the Battle Phase of the turn this effect was activated.

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An Equip Spell Card.


Prototype Wing Blaster

[Equip Spell Card]

This card can only be equipped to a Winged Beast-Type monster. The equipped monster cannot attack a Level 3 or lower monster. During your Main Phase 1' date=' if this card is [b']e[/b]quipped to a Winged Beast-Type monster, select and activate 1 of the following effects: - Select 1 Counter Trap Card in your Graveyard and return it to your hand. - Select 1 monster you control and remove it from play. (<--If you want you can still keep that the same) The equipped monster gains 300 ATK. - Select 1 monster your opponent controls. That monster cannot be destroyed by battle during the Battle Phase of the turn this effect was activated.

Fixed~ on most of the OCG errors. Nice effect.

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An Equip Spell Card.


Prototype Wing Blaster

[Equip Spell Card]

This card can only be equipped to a Winged Beast-Type monster. The equipped monster cannot attack a Level 3 or lower monster. During your Main Phase 1' date=' [b']if this card is equipped to a Winged Beast-Type monster[/b], select and activate 1 of the following effects: - Select 1 Counter Trap Card in your Graveyard and return it to your hand. - Select 1 monster you control and remove it from play. The equipped monster gains 300 ATK. - Select 1 monster your opponent controls. That monster cannot be destroyed by battle during the Battle Phase of the turn this effect was activated.


So technically BW abuse? Me like alot :D

Counter Trap Effect makes for a good Solem returner

Removing from play effect makes it good since BW swarm easy

Dont understand the last effect.

To be honest, I dont find the bolded part necessary. Seeing as how you already stated it'll be equipped to a Winged-Beast Type monster anyway. I can see this being on the verge of OPed, but it luckily escapes.


Final Rating: 7.7/10

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