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Masey 4 AVFC

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1.His name includes the new series of Yu-Gi-Oh.

He's got a duck listening to an ipod on his avatar.

He calls the duck 'iDuck'. (YUGIOH 5D'S-Silent Omega)


That's the 1st riddle.


2.She's got nothing on her profile.

She's my sister.

Her name is associated with what you do with cigarettes.

She's a new member.

That's the 2nd.


3.He lives in Sheffield,England.

His avatar looks like 'Obelisk' or 'Demise,King of Armadeggon'

He's a Villa fan.(IHOP-Windpepper)

He as an 'i' at the start of his name.

That's the 3rd.


4.He's LVL.7.

His avatar is a pizza. (FALLING PIZZA-silent omega)

He's been online for over 3 weeks.

That's the 4th.


5.He's LVL.6.

He started 'Boob Support-PG-13'

His avatar has a star in the eye.

That's the 5th.



6.He likes Xiaolin Showdown.

He's 19.

His sig involves Jaiden of Yu-Gi-Oh GX.

That's the 6th.


7.He's 14.

His avatar is stickmen fighting.

His name sounds close to 'Xbox'.

He is LVL.5.

That's the 7th.

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