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Harpy's Contest (LOCK)


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Sorry about the lateness:




You can Tribute Summon this card by Tributing 1 Winged Beast or Dragon-type monster. Once per turn, you can discard 1 WIND monster from your hand to return all face-up monsters on your opponent's side of the field to their owner's hands. When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, Special Summon 1 "Harpie" monster, other than "Harpies' Brother" and "Golden Harpie - Spirit of the Mountain" from your Graveyard .


Artwork by: Derlaine8 (monster) and Kazuki Takahashi (background).

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K, 2 things... is it to late to enter, and can it be my own type of card i made (its almost like a mix of ritual, fusion, and synchro)?


if i can:


[spoiler=Harpie King]





This card can only be Special Summon by the effect of the card "Winged Beast Tri-Fuse."

When this card is summoned it can only attack once every three turns. Also once every three turns you can summon one card from your deck, who's name has the word "Harpie" in it.






If this card is on your Field, and you have three or more Winged Beast Type Monsters on your Field this card is automatically activated. This card is flipped face down if there is less then three Winged Beast Type Monsters on your or your opponent’s side of the Field. Once this card is flipped up for more then three consecutive turns, you can sacrifice three Winged Beast Type Monsters from your side of the Field to summon "Winged Beast Mega, Harpie King".



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Tedomime and Красивая Ведьма are disqualified

Ǚĺƫĩɱąƫë Ðûëĺĩșƫ you can't enter anymore all places were full

ComingSoonNOT123 and abisal you'r just in time.

Ok and the winners are...



[spoiler=Second Place] rodri666


[spoiler= Third Place]gustavosuarez


First, I won't give any reasons why I chose these cards

I hope that my first contest was good and that you all liked it.

If you want a reson, Pm me and I will say why you lost or won.

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