Aero~ Posted December 12, 2009 Report Share Posted December 12, 2009 I think this is the correct thread. I've asked Icy through PM, but he wouldn't answer. Please tell me if this is in the wrong thread. I will randomly select 2 duelists to battle it out. [spoiler=entry fee]2 points If you are an active member of my club, it's free. [spoiler=Duelists]1) Xion 27 [spoiler=prizes]1st place....................................50 points, 3 reps2nd place....................................30 points, 2 reps3rd place......................................10 points, 1 rep If I win, Then obviosly I can't get points or reps, unless someone reps me. [spoiler=Duels] [spoiler=Format]We will be playing 3 strikes your out, depending how many contestants I get. [spoiler=Advanced format rules] Advanced FormatTraditional FormatAdvanced Format - Limited and Forbidden Lists (Effective Sept. 1, 2009)Download PDF FORBIDDEN You cannot use these cards in your Main Deck, Extra Deck, or Side Deck. Card Type Card Name Changes Monster/Effect BLACK LUSTER SOLDIER - ENVOY OF THE BEGINNING Monster/Effect CHAOS EMPEROR DRAGON - ENVOY OF THE END Monster/Effect CYBER JAR Monster/Effect CYBER-STEIN Monster/Effect DARK MAGICIAN OF CHAOS Monster/Effect DESTINY HERO - DISK COMMANDER Monster/Effect FIBER JAR Monster/Effect MAGICAL SCIENTIST Monster/Effect MAGICIAN OF FAITH Monster/Effect MAKYURA THE DESTRUCTOR Monster/Effect SINISTER SERPENT Monster/Effect TRIBE-INFECTING VIRUS Monster/Effect TSUKUYOMI Monster/Effect VICTORY DRAGON Monster/Effect WITCH OF THE BLACK FOREST Monster/Effect YATA-GARASU Monster/Synchro DARK STRIKE FIGHTER New; Forbidden Monster/Fusion THOUSAND-EYES RESTRICT Spell BUTTERFLY DAGGER - ELMA Spell CARD OF SAFE RETURN Limited -> Forbidden Spell CHANGE OF HEART Spell CONFISCATION Spell DARK HOLE Spell DELINQUENT DUO Spell DIMENSION FUSION Spell GRACEFUL CHARITY Spell HARPIE'S FEATHER DUSTER Spell LAST WILL Spell METAMORPHOSIS Spell MIRAGE OF NIGHTMARE Spell MONSTER REBORN Limited -> Forbidden Spell PAINFUL CHOICE Spell POT OF GREED Spell PREMATURE BURIAL Spell RAIGEKI Spell SNATCH STEAL Spell THE FORCEFUL SENTRY Trap CRUSH CARD VIRUS Limited -> Forbidden Trap EXCHANGE OF THE SPIRIT Trap IMPERIAL ORDER Trap LAST TURN Trap RING OF DESTRUCTION Trap TIME SEAL LIMITED You can only have 1 copy maximum of each of these cards in your Main Deck, Extra Deck, and Side Deck combined. Card Type Card Name Changes Monster/Effect BLACKWING - GALE THE WHIRLWIND New; Limited Monster/Effect CARD TROOPER Monster/Effect CYBER DRAGON Monster/Effect DANDYLION Monster/Effect DARK ARMED DRAGON Monster/Effect ELEMENTAL HERO STRATOS Monster/Effect EXODIA THE FORBIDDEN ONE Monster/Effect GLADIATOR BEAST BESTIARI Monster/Effect GORZ THE EMISSARY OF DARKNESS Monster/Effect MARSHMALLON Monster/Effect MIND MASTER New; Limited Monster/Effect MORPHING JAR Monster/Effect NEO-SPACIAN GRAND MOLE Monster/Effect NIGHT ASSAILANT Monster/Effect PLAGUESPREADER ZOMBIE Monster/Effect RESCUE CAT Semi-Limited -> Limited Monster/Effect SANGAN Monster/Effect SNIPE HUNTER Monster/Effect SPIRIT REAPER Monster/Effect SUMMONER MONK Semi-Limited -> Limited Monster/Effect TREEBORN FROG Monster LEFT ARM OF THE FORBIDDEN ONE Monster LEFT LEG OF THE FORBIDDEN ONE Monster RIGHT ARM OF THE FORBIDDEN ONE Monster RIGHT LEG OF THE FORBIDDEN ONE Monster/Synchro BLACK ROSE DRAGON New; Limited Monster/Synchro GOYO GUARDIAN Monster/Ritual DEMISE, KING OF ARMAGEDDON New; Limited Spell ADVANCED RITUAL ART Spell BRAIN CONTROL Spell CARD DESTRUCTION Spell COLD WAVE New; Limited Spell EMERGENCY TELEPORT Spell FUTURE FUSION Spell GIANT TRUNADE Spell HEAVY STORM Spell LEVEL LIMIT - AREA B Spell LIMITER REMOVAL Spell MEGAMORPH Spell MIND CONTROL New; Limited Spell MONSTER GATE Spell MYSTICAL SPACE TYPHOON Spell ONE FOR ONE New; Limited Spell OVERLOAD FUSION Spell REASONING Spell REINFORCEMENT OF THE ARMY Spell SCAPEGOAT Spell SMASHING GROUND Spell SWORDS OF REVEALING LIGHT Spell UNITED WE STAND Trap CALL OF THE HAUNTED Forbidden -> Limited Trap CEASEFIRE Trap GRAVITY BIND Trap MAGIC CYLINDER Trap MIRROR FORCE Trap OJAMA TRIO Trap RETURN FROM THE DIFFERENT DIMENSION Trap SOLEMN JUDGMENT New; Limited Trap THE TRANSMIGRATION PROPHECY Trap TORRENTIAL TRIBUTE Trap TRAP DUSTSHOOT Trap WALL OF REVEALING LIGHT SEMI-LIMITED You can only have 2 copies maximum of each of these cards in your Main Deck, Extra Deck, and Side Deck combined. Card Type Card Name Changes Monster/Effect CHAOS SORCERER Limited -> Semi-Limited Monster/Effect DESTINY HERO - MALICIOUS Monster/Effect GOBLIN ZOMBIE Monster/Effect JUDGMENT DRAGON Monster/Effect LONEFIRE BLOSSOM New; Semi-Limited Monster/Effect MASK OF DARKNESS Monster/Effect MEZUKI Limited -> Semi-Limited Monster/Effect NECROFACE Spell ALLURE OF DARKNESS Spell CHAIN STRIKE Spell FOOLISH BURIAL Spell GOLD SARCOPHAGUS Spell MAGICAL STONE EXCAVATION Trap BOTTOMLESS TRAP HOLE New; Semi-Limited Trap MIND CRUSH Trap ULTIMATE OFFERING I got this list from Duels will be on!!! I will send you and your opponent a link when you're both on!!!! You must then post theduel here!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.Nu-13 Posted December 12, 2009 Report Share Posted December 12, 2009 I don't get it. How we will duel on chat? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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