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Christmas Nightmare Contest!!!Finished, please lock:)


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here are the results. i pay prices tomorrow. tired now:)


Name: 7/10

Effect: 23/25

OCG: 23/25

Pic: 25/30

General: 8/10 it’s a interesting card with a useful effect. The pic is good and the representation is great:)

Total: 86


Name: 7/10

Effect: 20/25

OCG: 24/25

Pic: 27/30

General: 7/10 interesting card. The effect is a little Oped vs some decks, but the Rituals are usually opeds:)

Total: 85

Master Tortoise

Name: 9/10

Effect: 20/25

OCG: 20/25

Pic: 29/30

General: 9/10 it’s a interesting effect, very useful with Beast-Type monsters. The pic is amazing and it’s a great combination with the effect:)

Total: 87


Name: 5/10

Effect: 22/25

OCG: 21/25

Pic: 25/30

General: 8/10 interesting effect, very balanced. The pic is great and cause fear:)

Total: 81


Name: 5/10

Effect: 16/25

OCG: 15/25

Pic: 20/30

General: 6/10 the effect is a little plain and the pic is common:)

Total: 62


Name: 6/10

Effect: 16/25

OCG: 12/25

Pic: 18/30

General: 5/10 the effect is basic, you have a lot of OCG errors and the pic is blurry:(

Total: 57


Name: 6/10

Effect: 15/25

OCG: 14/25

Pic: 23/30

General: 6/10 the effect is basic, very basic and you have a lot of OCG errors. pic is good:)

Total: 64


Name: 8/10

Effect: 23/25

OCG: 18/25

Pic: 26/30

General: 8/10 interesting effect, some OCG errors and the pic is good:)

Total: 83



1 place: Master Tortoise

2 place: TLA

3 place: Deustodo

I hope that all contestants enjoy and thanks for wait:)

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