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Christmas Nightmare Contest!!!Finished, please lock:)


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Here ya go!



Effect: If the field spell "The Northern Grave" is active, when this card is Normal or Flipped Summoned, you may Special Summon two "Skeletal Rein Deer" from your Hand or Graveyard. When there are at least two "Skeletal Rein Deer" on your side of the field, this card may attack your opponent directly.


Should I make the other two cards?

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You can Special Summon this card from your hand, when a Spell or Trap Card is destroyed by a card effect. During your Draw Phase if the drawn card is a DARK monster you can discard it to add 1 monster from your Deck to your hand. Once per turn if you have more card(s) in your hand, then your opponent, you can place Nightmare Counter (max 1) on a face-up monster. A monster with a Nightmare Counter, effect is negated and cannot switch it's Battle Position. When this card destroys a monster with a Nightmare Counter, draw 1 card from your opponent's deck. While this card remains in your Graveyard, during each Standby Phase Inflict x500 damage to both player's equal to the amount of card(s) in their hand.

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