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ugh the title on this thread makes me sick

change it there are little kids around here for gods sake , have you no shame ppl -_-"?

and i'm not really that excited about this new title

in my opinion they released it way too early


P.S. i could easily report you for that indecent Title for a thread

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ugh the title on this thread makes me sick

change it there are little kids around here for gods sake ' date=' have you no shame ppl -_-"?

and i'm not really that excited about this new title

in my opinion they released it way too early


P.S. i could easily report you for that indecent Title for a thread



And yet people swear 'round here without any fear. Go figure.


Anyways, there's a discussion in the MM thread, but I might as well post this trinket here just for the sake of it.



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ugh the title on this thread makes me sick Lolweak

change it there are little kids around here for gods sake ' date=' have you no shame ppl -_-"? [b']Have you no intelligence? People say damn, sh*t, and all the other words around with without giving a damn.[/b]

and i'm not really that excited about this new title

in my opinion they released it way too early


P.S. i could easily report you for that indecent Title for a thread And we could easily flame you for your statement.

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